I promise I am reading it. So sorry the dolphins were a bit disappointing, but otherwise things pretty good?
Not much news this end. Barry goes on Sabbatical on Thursday, so we'll soon know what arrangements we hadn't even thought about.
Mummy is finally disposing of the balloons from our silver wedding party 2 and a half years ago. Some still have air in them!!
Ed and I came third at Bridge last wed. It's only the second time we've played together for many weeks; the week before we were tenth.
It's the first day of summer here, a glorious day. Tomorrow it will rain!
Loads of love
Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now panting with jealousy. Very upset. I wanna go gliding, and horse riding, and swimming with dolphins!!!
Had my opposite tooth out from the last one, same thing, wisdom tooth was growing into it. Now got a mouth ulcer, sore and making me grumpy.
Your message to Bjorn nearly made me wet myself, his reaction was priceless. Kept asking me if he was really so grumpy, trying to do it in the grumpiest way possible. He does enjoy sending himself up.
Not been in work much because of the above, and when I am its a bit manic, but I will try and respond to private e-mail tomorrow. V.Proud of you.
Keep having fun, love you and miss you oodles. July still seems like a long way off.
Hi you!
Sounds like your having an amazing time, I am so impressed you went paragliding woo you!! I'd have been with you watching the bungee jumping the whole idea of it freaks me out!! Saw your blog post about maybe going swimming with dolphins you'll love it its amazing!! Hope you are well, miss you!!
Sarah xxxxxxxx
Captain Booty
Wow, that all sounds sooo cool. And well done for finding 1 piece of LOTR stuff! Keep it up Extreme Sports Buttons!
Captain Booty
Thats a shame about the lack of hobbits but at least you are making do! very much congratulations on not doing a bungee jump (and well done to jo for doing it) You seem to have found your hidden extreme sports persona out there!!!! All sounds very exciting. The most exciting thing i have done is buy another 4 pairs of shoes!!! (That is quite exciting for me tho!) The lugey thing did sound like heaps of fun tho!
Love and Kisses xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Kate.
Thanks for all the news. The glacier sound amazing. Enjoy the paragliding. I'll cover my eyes!! So glad you've met such nice people and are having such fun.
Luna just came to help me write this! The piano arrived today. It went in with a lot of expert effort and looks great. Rupert brought a really nice stool with him which I am buying. Gran and A Sue were here and liked it too.
Love you forever. XXXX
Hi Honey
Sounds like you're still having lots of fun. The fancy dress party especially sounds like a toot.
Had lunch with the family today. Lovely to see them all again. The Scarlet Harlots are performing in Camden on Tuesday niht and I'm trying to get there, but I refuse to go on my own and I'm not having any luck finding anyone to go with me.
Missing you loads. Pots and pots of love. Dxx
PS The maps arrived safely yesterday, thank you very much. Great fun.
By the way, this is the 100th message!!
Love you. XXXX
Hi Katie.
So glad you like NZ. It sounds wonderful. I walked on a glacier in Canada but I've never climbed one! Mind the crevasses.
Met Deb for lunch on Thursday which was lovely but too short. She's coming over for lunch today to see the family but then she has to get back to course work. Luckily that will be over for a while when you get back.
I shouldn't bank on arriving at Terminal 5! They've delayed the start of long haul flights using it until June and who knows what will happen then!!!
Mountains of love. XXXX
Auntie Sue
Hi Katie, Loved the Sydney and NZ photos. Recognised Christchurch ones as Jen took a lot there. The Blue Mountains looked amazing. We had a visitor for a week after Easter. She lives just down the coast from Sydney, but is over here for 3 months. Enjoy the bus trip and all the wonderful places you will see. Lots of love from us all.
Captain Booty
Gosh!! everyone seems to have been busy!!! Hoping that you are having a fandabydozy time in New Z! Have you seen any hobbits yet? Massive flaming eyballs, hot looking elves?? Even hotter looking Kings of Men No??? well there is still time. (please note am talking Lord of rings)
not much is happening here which is why I haven't posted. Had a lot of ppl round but we're staying in this weekend (were supposed to be going to mama in law but gus has to work - darn!) and i've got time off next week for good behaviour!!
Love and kisses xxxxxxxxxx
Hello gorgeous, I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to do this, I've just about been finding time to read your blog, and have loved hearing all of your news, but until now haven't had a spare minute to say hello! It's finally easter holidays, and although I've got a massive essay to write, the pressure's off slightly! (only 5 more weeks on placement thn I'll be fully qualified...eek!)
I'm so jealous of you going to the cook islands, I was meant to be there for 2 weeks but only ended up being 4 days cos I needed to get home earlier than planned. Are you going to be staying in Rarotonga? (main island) if so, I highly recommend "International Backpackers". As far as I remember it's pretty cheap, it's quite basic but it's wonderful, owned by an old guy called bill. Had lots of fun when I was there. There's a good website, have a look!
Hope you had a lovely time with bean. I've been thinking about you both (and becca) a lot over the last few days, went up to Southwold with my parents, can't believe how long ago it was that we were there, seems like no time at all. It was colder (in fact it snowed) but not as rainy as when we were there. Too cold for crab fishing though, which was disappointing.
Anyway, I'm at risk of taking up your whole message board, and I know how pricey the net can be in some places. I'm glad you're having such a wonderful time, I miss you lots and lots, when are you coming home?