I've been very green as I've been keeping track of your travels!
I remember seeing the shipwreck on Fraser Island among some of the other places in your photos when I visited but what I found really strange was the boat you went on out of Airley Beach! Romance was the boat I did my diver training on around the whitsundays 12 years ago - I knew it rang a bell and so have just looked back on my photos! How strange, did you sleep onboard? I remember lying down on the cabin floor to help my seasickness which worked for me coz I couldn't stay up on deck with everyone hurling over the sides!
Keep enjoying yourselves and I'll look forward to your updates to trigger more memories!
Love Jen
Hi Di and Tim.
What a lovely surprise to see your names up today. Happy easter.
We have SNOW!! Quite a lot of it in some places. It's still snowing as I write.
Have a lovely weekend with the girls. So pleased Katie will get to see you.
Took some photos Katie. Please take some of Di and Tim!!
Love to everyone. XXXX
Di & Tim
Hi Katie & Jo . Looking forward to seeing you this weekend . Will you email me advising your time of arrival in Melbourne so we can organise you getting here.love Di
Hi Katie.
Lovely to talk to you the other day. Hope Cairns isn't too humid. Not long now and you'll be off to Ayres Rock.
Deb and Bjorn had dinner with us this evening which was really nice. Soot thinks Debbie's lap is as good as mine!!
The decorating and cupboards and shelves are finished and the room looks so different. Barney and Simon will come in on Tuesday and fit the shelves, radiator and change the light fitting. Carpet is coming on April Fool's Day!! Must sort out curtains next. Then we won't know ourselves.
Hope you and Jo have a lovely Easter.
Love and miss you, Darling. XXXX
Captain Booty
Hi Buttons, glad that you are having fun, and very very much congratulations on finding dory!! (especially as she is more prone to getting lost!)
have my mum up for easter (good friday and sat-today) we went to bath today, which was fun but very cold. having 2 days relaxing eating chocs and then getting very excited about my birthday. Thank you for my australia postcard btw, got here quicker than the thailand one.
Continue to have fun, and i hope that you still have clean pants.
Love and hugs
Capt Booty (not yet 25)
Auntie Helen
Happy Easter Katie
Love from us all.
You found Dory!!! Almost as good as finding Nemo. Shame about the downsdes, but the upsides sounds like fun. Seasickness is horrible though, I hope you guys don't have to go through that again.
Guess what, I saw Gizmo yesterday. She was parked near little Emma Taylor's house in Stevenage. I nearly wept. She looked quite shiny, so I think the new owners must be taking care of her.
The Estates team went bowling last night, had quite a laugh. Me and the 2 Emma's were rubbish, until we put the barriers up for the second game.
Four whole days off now, just not sure how to fill them. Went to Tescos today and I took me 2 hours to get round cos the world and his wife had the same idea.
Love you Sweetheart. Dxx
Oh it sounds like so much fun. I want to play, especially rolling into a lake. The rest of it sounds a bit grubby though, bet you're looking foward to a scrap of civilization.
Nothing exciting happening here, the weather's being a bit wierd. After a lovely February it's gone really cold. They're predicting snow at Easter, yuk.
Looking forward to Christinee's birthday, we're going to Cheltenham for a gambling night in (not with real money) should be a lot of fun.
Missing you more and more, roll on July. Oodles of Love
Hi Kate
What a great time you are having!
I had a wonderful time in Palestine/Israel. It turned out that the most mischievous and least pious (and nearly the youngest!!) of us was a Bishop, specifically the Bishop of Swindon. Because he is Warden of ALMs (Acredited Lay Ministers) in Bristol Diocese, he is effectively Uncle Lellie's boss, and knows him and A Helen quite well.
If you want to see more, look on St Thom's website.
Loads of love
Dad xxxxxx
Hi Kate,
We have Barney here to build our shelves and cupboards, while Simon sorts out the radiator and electricals. Barney says when you get to the Whitsundays and go out in a boat round the small atolly islands etc. you really know you're in Paradise!! Hope you find it so.
Bristols and Birminghams are coming over on April 12 (sorry, Deb, forgot to tell you) so I hope the room will be nearly finished by then!!!
Niagaras of love!! XXXX
Auntie Helen
Hi Katie
your Mum is quite right . I do want a Koala even more now. Ant saw the photos first and told me to look !! Went to an experimental music group Cat is in tonight. I called it Tate Modern in music !! It was VERY different from the Choir concert we went to last week which was sung in Latin !!
love from us all.
Captain Booty
Fantastic piccies buttons, very amused at you being "eaten by croc!" I assume it was not a real one!
am getting ready for my birthday soon, and am very excited because I have short hair again!!!! When have birthday will take some pics and u can have a goosy on facebook.