Its all sounding like such a good experience I think my skin is permenantly tinged green! I can imagine that its quite nice for both of you to have some time to yourselves and do your own things!
I start jury duty on Monday which should be interesting who knows what sort of case I will get lol! at the end of the month I leave my job and move out of my house (woah lots of effort!) and I'm in limbo for a while! Im going on holiday for a week or two and then depending on whether I have heard back from my job yet I'll either move in there and start or il be moving home for a couple of weeks! woo!
Im hoping that you and jo will keep the 5th July free for a night of fun and madness coz im coming back to see you both!!!!!!
Take care loads and loads of love!!!
Sarah xxxxx
Hi Katie.
Glad you found something to do in Aukland or somewhere near. What is/are the Bay of Islands like? Do you stay on an island or just near the water? I can't believe you met someone from Hitchin and who knows Jo's brother!! Amazing.
Is Jo with you or did you go alone? You said I in your Blog, not we.
I've sent you an email.
Cataracts of love. XXXX
Hey Sweetheart
Glad to hear things are still going well.
I had crunchy nut cornflakes for breakfast this morning, very quickly because I didn't get up until 8.30, oops. Had a fun bank holiday weekend, mainly workingon my final assignment (which goes in tomorrow, yipee) but also seeing Becci and Daryl on Friday night, plus breakfast Saturday morning and Christine, Peewee etc on Saturday night for Peewee's birthday. Went out in Bedford, which has some nice places, you'll have to come and check it out with us when you come home.
Our lawn mower broke while Bjorn was mowing the back lawn last weekend, it looks like a monk, bald in the middle and shaggy on top. Well this weekend I decided I had to something about the front lawn, so I got the strimmer out. The grass was still a bit damp and I ended up covered in green smudges, as did the front door. At least we aren't letting the neighbour hood down quite as much anymore, although the lumps of cut grass and dnadelion stalks (mainly dandelion stalks) aren't exactly attractive.
Miss you muchly darling, love you.
Hi Sweetie
It must be fun meeting people again, in odd places; a sort of traveling community. Hope you get your money soon, although maybe you won't want to spend it all in Aukland
May Bank holiday today; Mum gone to visit Gran, but I'm stuck at home preparing for funerals and other services, because I was too lazy to do it yesterday. Barry has gone on his Sabbatical, so everything is slightly strange.
Good news, I went to see Joyce on Thursday, AND SHE WAS CHEERFUL!!
I'm looking forward to looking around the Olympic site on Friday, with Geraldine, and going with Mum and Debbbie to see Chris on RnJ on Saturday. Next week Christian Aid week, all that collecting on top of everything else!! But, there is so much need in the world. Have you heard about the hurricane in Burma?
Loads of love
Hey Sweetheart
The Mauori (sp?) thing sounds really cool. Hope you have a good time.
Had coco pops for breakfast again, but at lunchtime i went to what used to be the black squirrel. Its now called the globe and is REALLY nice. I had gorgeous duck and hoi sin sauce wrap.
Was Emaa's 21st on Wednesday, but cos I wasn't there she saved me some cream cake, which i had on thursday. Then today Celina found out she'd passed her exams, so we had more cream cake. Oh dear, piggy.
Told everyone at work about the skydiving. They were stunned and impressed in equal measures.
Going out with Becci and Daryl tonight, and tomorrow Christine will be down, yay.
Love you oodles. Miss you tonnes. Dxx
YOU DID WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you're such a kitten!! Wow!! Now boiling over with jealousy and pride. What an amazing experience.
Thank you for my post card, gorgeous picture.
I had coco pops for breakfast this morning, and this evening I tricked Bjorn and served him weight watchers sausages, and he ate them all up and said he liked them, until I told him they were weight watchers. Tee hee.
Had a training course this morning on writing, everyone in the company is having to do it. It's like being back at school, but in a good way, so much grammar stuff that I've completely forgotten.
Less than a week and I will be free, final assignmet goes in on the 7th. Will still be skint though, sigh!
Love you princess. Dxx
Aunty Helen
Well done Katie. Good photos.
love from us all
You are SOOOOO brave!! Mum thinks I'm jealous, but I know I wouldn't be nearly brave enough. I couldn't even cross the rope bridge in Northern Ireland!
I went to see Joyce today. I was dreading it, because she has been so negative recently, but she was quite cheerful. Listened carefully and responded to all my news, of you and others, and actually SMILED at me most of the time.
I met Sally from church the other day. She works supporting adult literacy classes in Hitchin, and she's learning to be a counsellor too. Polly will spend the summer at festivals, running spirituality workshops. Daisy live in Archers Way, with her two delightful daughters. It was great to see her again.
A million of love (I've told you a trillion times not to exagerate - IT'S NO EXAGERATION)
WOW Katie!!
What an amazing set of photos. Who on earth took them all? Imagine showing them to your grandchildren in N years time! Your expressions are most enlightening.
Desk all constructed, mostly by Daddy and Auntie Sue, with a little bit of help from me. Curtains come next week.
Asteroids of love!! XXXX
Sorry if I nearly blew the surprise with my earlier question
Captain Booty
BRAVE KATIE BUTTONS!!! I can't belive you went skydiving!!! That is so cool! I just saw what you wrote on facebook and had to check here instantly cos i couldn't belive my eyes! Can't wait to see the DVD!!!!
L ove and kisses from Booty land!! xxxxxxxx
Hi you!!!
I'm so proud of you for doing the sky dive!!! Brave Katie almost covers it!! I think your both bonkers lol!!!