Woke up feeling a bit sad this morning. Had had a dream involving a certain guy and anyway made me wake up feeling sad L It was kind of weird, sort of like when u dream about someone who has died and when u wake up u remember they r dead, if that makes sense! It was also sad waking up in a double bed and it was Fiona next to me rather than Ryan for a cuddle. Think that made me feel even worse because i know i’ll never wake up and be able to snuggle into him again, was one of my favourite things L However i am starting to think that it was more the idea of a relationship that i am sad about loosing rather than Ryan himself, if that makes any sense!!
Anyway i managed to get myself out of bed and we headed off to climb a big tree. The tree was called the Gloucester Tree and we climbed 61m up to the top where there is a fire lookout. It was a bit scary climbing up but the view was well worth it! Me and Fiona did it separately so we could take photos of each other. I went up just after an English couple and actually kept the girl going because she didn’t want to make someone else turn back as well. It was an awesome view from the top u could see right across . U climb up on these poles sticking out the tree and there is a mesh thing on the outside for protection apparently, cant say it made me feel any safer! I also wondered how they get down fast when they actually see a fire, guess they must use walkie-talkies! I must admit i quite liked the climb up because i was just looking out over everything, however the way down was pretty scary because i was always looking down at my feet, but i made it safely and was really proud of myself doing it! We also stopped off to see Broken Dam which was quite nice.
So we then headed on our way back to Perth. Stopped off in Busselton for some lunch and tried to go for a walk along one of the longest piers in the world but it was closed for repair work, even Brendon had told me to do it, but unfortunately we couldn’t L Never mind tho we did see it and it looked pretty long!
Me and Fiona r staying in an old barracks for the next couple of days. I really don’t know how am gonna cope when she leaves, am bad enough with her here and am really scared i get super depressed again when she leaves. Maria thinks if anyone can do it i can but to be honest am not to sure and pretty scared in fact L I actually had a few drinks tonight which was apparently a bad idea cause now all i want to do is curl up in a corner and cry and for my girlies to come along and give me a big hug and make me feel better like only they can do, love u guys!!! However i’m gonna hav to be a brave girl and get thru this one by myself.
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