So guys the fringe is back!!! Was chatting with Claudia in the hostel and turned out she is a hair dresser. Now i’ve been meaning to get my hair cut for ages as its been over 5 months since i last had it done, but i hate having to pick a hair dresser cause u never know if they r gonna b good or not so i’d kept putting it off. Anyway so Claudia offered to cut my hair for me. She was really good, my hair is now considerably shorter, about shoulder length, but to be honest it needed it wot with all the split ends i had! And the fringe is also back, not sure if this was such a good idea but i missed it so thought i would bring it back! We’ll see how i go, can imagine i may well get very annoyed with it!
Spend the day bumming about on the beach again. Went snorkelling with Doreen in the morning and then worked on my tan, which believe me is pretty hard when u hav to wear factor 30 over here! Dont worry tho i’m doing my best and yes Joanna or Alison (cant remember which 1 said it) i’ll b brown as a jobby before u know it lol!! Ooh i also had an awesome beef, chilli and cheese pie for my lunch and it was so good i figured i’d better give it a mention on here!
Doreen had gone for a walk in the afternoon so when i’d gone back to the beach Richard ended up joining me. However he went back to the hostel early cause being a typical boy he was hungry, while i stayed at the beach reading my book and watched the sunset. Now I feel i hav to warn u all that watching a sunset all by urself when ur recently single is not the smartest idea, its clearly something that should be enjoyed as a couple or with a group! Oh and not only that when i was walking back to the hostel i had to walk past a wedding that was going on just off the beach and i literally nearly burst into tears! Not a good moment, especially when there r always so many people walking about Coral Bay, but i think i did pretty well and only 1 or 2 escaped!! And then by the time i walked the minute back to the hostel i felt fine again, silly old hormones!!!
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