Bumped into Rachel from the bus last nite at breakfast this morning and we decided to spend the day together exploring Broome. First we wandered around China Town but it wasnt very Chinese at all! We then had some lunch and then headed to Cable Beach. As the bus down there wasnt for an hour or so we just decided to walk because it didnt look very far on the map. However as it turned out it was a lot further than we thought and it was so hot we were exhausted!! Kept thinkin we must be nearly there but it was always just that bit further! We did eventually make it there and literally ran into the sea we were so hot! Needless to say we did see jellyfish dotted about the beach on the way in and a few in the sea but figured if we just kept away from them we'd b fine! However there seemed to be all these silvery hairs in the water which turned out were actually stinging us! Not the most comfortable thing to ever happen to me but we just fell asleep in the sun and when we woke up they were all better!
We were on Cable beach which is pretty long and had first been at a bit away from the really popular bit, but after our wee snooze we went further along the beach to the most popular bit to watch the sunset which was nice but i must admit am gettin a bit past all these sunsets, think i might hav seen a few too many now lol! Oh and at this part of the beach they had wee boxes with vinegar in them for treatin jellyfish stings!! Decided to take the bus back to the hostel this time rather walk as it took us so long to get there!
That nite we went to see Sex and the City 2 at the open air deck chair cinema. As it was the premier everyone was there dressed up while me and Rachel were just there in our casual clothes! We did hav some cocktails and popcorn which was nice. It was really cool just sittin under the stars watchin a film!
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