Finally got to Broome after an 18 hour bus journey. It wasnt actually too bad a journey, i had 2 seets to myself which was good so it meant i could stretch out and get a slightly better sleep however i cant say that was the best sleep i ever had! We stopped off at McDonalds for a breakfast break in Karratha. Its weird its the 1st place i've had fone signal in like ages but i was gutted when i turned on my fone and i only had like 2 messages, none even from my brithday and i was like wtf?! However 1 of the other girls said Vodafone delete ur txts if u dont hav signal for over 3 days or somethin like that, crazy stuff!! They also played us some films on the bus to keep us amused. I saw Australia (the film) and was shocked at how how great it was i really loved it, though i can understand y people say its too long cause it did kind of seem to b like 2 films in 1! Must admit i did nearly cry at quite a few points in the film! There was a weird guy on the bus who kept on lookin at me which i found a bit weird and then he asked me out when we got off the bus in Broome!! I was just like oh am going on another tour in a couple of days and he was like oh well we'll b in Darwin at the same time so mayb we can meet up there and i was just said sure (in the high pitched voice that cat uses when she doesnt want to do somethin) and gave him my number lol!!
Was pretty tired when i got to the hostel so i just had a some dinner and a few drinks before heading to bed. Turns out am actually sleepin in the bed that Lotte left from that morning!!
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