Today we had a full day in Adelaide and man its such a boring place!! Did some walk thru the city centre looking at buildings, wasn’t very interesting and then we headed down to Glenelg which is apparently Adelaides favourite beach. We walked down the Gelnelg jetty which was nice, not very long but gave u a nice view back. We then headed along this Proclamation Trail towards the Old Gum Tree. We walked along some gorgeous coast and then headed inland. We seemed to walk for ages and then we finally got to this Old Gum Tree and it was just an old dead tree which was in like a u shape and had both ends into the ground, not impressed!! Anyway we walked back from the tree and stopped off to hav a late lunch/early dinner in a pub. We both ordered salads and i figured we’d get a bowl of wedges as well to fill us up. Well we definitely didn’t need the wedges as the salads were massive, i couldn’t even finish mine!! It was really nice just to sit out in the sun and had and hav a few drinks and food.
Had a relatively early nite as me and Fiona were up really early to get our tour in the morning. Before i went to bed tho i ended up helping the crazy aussie woman with her new laptop, she couldn’t figure out how to load up new programs and that.
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