So while room 304 was (as far as I know), as no sex zone last night, I couldnt get to sleep for ages! I was in bed for midnight but ended up starting BirdHouse on Netflix. Not sure its for me, I have watched about half of it but it jut doesnt really do it for me. Also (sorry haters) I dont think Sandra Bullock is that good an actress!! I might stick with it though and see it throgh another day!
Nothing much exciting happened in the dorm thankfully apart from the guy in the next bed who seems to be stripped off and has his arse out everytime I turn around! Seriously dude, put some pants on! So I decided to skip breakfast and have a sleep in! (I feel like I am either sleeping or drinking so far! Sorry its not that exciting for you to read!!)
I got up about 11 and searched online for somewhere to go for brunch as I was starving by then! (also, food will be a massive part of this blog - this girl also likes her grub!!) I found a cute cafe nearby and headed out. Its even greyer than normal today and raining too! I had an ace brunch of eggs and cheese on toast (standard!) but with extra avocado this time! Was heaven!
I had been thinking the night before about what to do today as I have been everywhere I wanted to when I thought about the cinema. I really wanted to see Bohemian Rhapsody and hadnt had chance before I left England so after another quick check on my bestie google, I found a cute cinema nearby and the film was on at 1.30 so perfect timing!
The cinema was ace, and old art deco building with a cute bar inside and the screen was ace. Now, call me old fashioned - or maybe just old!, but while certain films may suit the massive screen with 4D etc etc, for me there is nothing better than an old cinema with red velvet chairs that fold up!! Plus the screen was a normal size and I didnt have my glasses so could actually see it ok!!
Now, the film wow wow. I absolutely adored it!! Amazing acting, beautifully written and I cried lots and lots! In fact at one point I had to put my coat over my face to stop me from doing those loud ugly sobs that no one needs to hear!! Go see it !!!!
So, that brings me right up to date. To me now, just sat in the hostel bar with my laptop!
Tomorrow I leave Holland for Estonia! I have a flight from Amsterdam to Tallinn at 10am so I now need to plan the trains etc to ensure I get there on time! I am excited to move on but I have enjoyed it here. Its been nice to recover from Amsterdam and spend some time catching up with everyone back home.
I am in Tallinn for a week so hopefully I can do some more writing in a few days to catch up!
- comments
Litton Way Daz Make sure you have sensible night and don’t miss your flight tomoz!
Rachel L All the best looks like yur having a fab time looking forward to reading more of yur blog and of yur adventures. Keep safe and enjoy. X