We are currently in Hat Lamai, in Ko Samui, and I'm writing this on the world largest computer screen trying not to worry that this internet place could potentially be twice the amount of any other we've been!
I had a lovely birthday on Wednesday, even though it was scorching hot. too hot!! We went horse riding in the morning which was good fun, although getting back on a horse after 10years is not quite as easy as riding a bike! Once I'd got the hang of it again ( She was a bit like my Ford Fiesta at home, kept veering too the right, so had to keep pulling to the left!) managed too have a canter and not fall off. However my new wraparound trousers, decided to 'unwrap' themselves mid trot, I only became aware of this from Jess's laughter behind me. the poor thai boys didn't know where to look!!
That evening was the most biggest storm in the history of ever-ness, and I swear the room shook each time it thundered. I kept trying to second guess the lightning with my digital camera, no surprises i couldn't get it!! it did look scary though, although quite stunning next to the mountain. thank god we brought a bottle of wine to have before we went out! the rain did finally slow down and we only attempted to go out so we could use our 'peace laguna' umbrellas!
Thursday wasn't a great day either So we headed into Krabi town to have a wander and to the temple 'Wat them sue'. I think I'd been there before when I was younger, but I think it is the coolest place ever. All the monks live in little huts in the cliffs surrounded by rainforest, and in the cliffs are loads of caves which you can crawl through and have images of Buddha and candles and stuff in them. very Disney-esque. One drawback though was having to go up and then down a hefty set of steps to reach it, and then back again. Oh yeah and the rain had turned the dirt into mud and staying upright was a challenge aswell. So currently I can't really walk, my calves are stiff from the steps, and my thighs ache from the horseriding. Just proves I think how much I need to go back to the gym in oz!
Ao Nang in Krabi was ok, pretty much same same, although I absolutely loved our three days there, how much of a luxury it was having a swimming pool, and a large room, where we'd just lie in the air-con watching rubbish films and national geographic!
Also am wondering why there are so many god damn tailors in Thailand, and they are all carbon copys of each other and put on ridiculas English accents. Surely its not economically efficient to have 10 down one street. And Im sure they put them directly opposite each other aswell so even if you take the other side of the road they can still get you. My personal tactic is to let Jess take the inside and I keep my largest darkest sunglasses on!
To get to Samui we thought we'd be a bit smart and go overnight to save on accomadation. It was good and bad. getting to Surat thani was bad. thats the over land part to the port where we went van/coach/van/van which is a lot of heaving luggage about and at each change we had to wait for ever which is a massive pain in the arse. a journey which should have taken 4 hours took almost double that. It was worth it though for the boat. It was truly amazia, it was big to start, like the size of the bar and bar lounge at the hotel, and it had an engine room at the very bottom which you could see. tres cool. then where the crew were on the next deck, and then for us at the top a big open space with loadsa mattresses and pillows. like a giant sluumber party, kind of. And there was only eight of us and about eight other local people. Although you had to watch it when you stood up or you banged your head, low ceiling. Boat took about 7hrs but pretty much slept for the entirety which was good. Meant we weren't quite so stressed upon arriving at our destination.
It was so good aswell we weren't attacked by touts when we arrived although we had a bit of trial and error with our accomadation but we did find somewhere appropiate eventually. After checking our accounts (not good) we back on the main of the budget. So now have cold water, fan, no fridge, no tv :( On the plus side though on the coach we met a girl who is staying in Ko phagn ang who had a lovely surprise from her mum, which was a massive posh hotel room for a week and she invited us to stay with her on the full moon. So we thought we'd take full advantage and use the pool during the day aswell :)
First impressions of Lamai are good, most similar to Langkawi although slightly more crowded and busier. And obviosely wouldnt be complete with people trying to sell us croaking frogs on every corner. Why is Thailand so different in that respect to Malaysia?
If anyone is wondering wether to go to Malaysia or thailand, definately go to Malaysia, I think its a bit harder to get around but at least it doesn't feel so much like your in Europe at some points, the amount of people doing the same thing as you. And Malaysians aren't always trying to trick you into buying stuff all the time.
So strange this is our last place till Bangkok!! xxxxxxxx
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