Ok so its been quite a while since my last update, all quiet on the eastern front as it were. I am now in Thailand! Its been a few days so will take y'all through in chronological order or I will forget what i have been up to!
So we left the Cameron Highlands and headed for Penang which was quite a long journey. I cant really remember any of the details etc but when we reached Penang it was crazy how hot it was again! On the first evening we went to a hawker market which was a little crazy and I had some noodles in soy sauce and some chicken thingys. The hotel we were staying in was really nice as well and had a swimming pool!!! The morning of the next day (maybe sunday???) was spent looking around Penang which is a really interesting little island, we had a chinese guide who actually wouldnt stop talking about jettys and temples but was nice all the same. For lunch we hit the bakery followed by a pizza hut! (my first whilst away- thats not bad going) I also bought a spare camera battery which the guy asked 1600 baht for, thats about 30 quid and i managed to haggle him down to about 800 which is 16 quid! ledge. The afternoon was mostly spent at the pool before heading of for dinner.
Quite an early start next day saw us on another minibus for about 4 hours before transferring to a public minibus (was full of 8 of us then 4 random thai people and about 30 bags!?) for another 3 hours journey to a small place called Nakhon Si Thamarrat. Its a much smaller town than we have been to so far and not at all touristy so we got a few looks when we were out and about which was kinda strange. Me and Mo also met this English bloke who reckoned he was a science teacher at a local school and had been in Thailand for 7 years now but neither of us trusted him at all... he had really pasty white skin and was bald- was blatently lying. FREAK. Also the hotel was quite basic so had slightly uncomfortable night with stuff banging and shaking all over the place. I also woke up with bites all over my ankles from bed bugs! They were ok for that day but as I'm writing this they have got pretty big and really itchy!
I was quite glad to leave that place because they didnt have ANY internet anywhere and stuff which was a bit gaaaayyyyy. The next stop was to be Ko Samui, one of thailands beautiful little tropical islands! We got there via minibus and then small ferry which was fun. A ride in a 'taxi' (basically open backed truck with seats) took us to the hotel. I shouldnt really call it a hotel as it is technically a 'resort' and it is sooooo nice! Each room is more like a very small bungalow and the whole place is set out in rows of these bungalow type things with a couple of pools and a restaurant etc and it is literally about 30m from my door to the beach! Also the room contains one MASSIVE bed and one single bed, I slept in luxury last night! Dont think I iwll be so lucky tonight though... :( But i'm still talking about yesterday at the moment which was Tuesday. We lazed around at the pool/beach for most of the afternoon and went for a quick dip in the sea which was soooo nice and warm and mmmmm lush! We also went for a jet ski ride which set me back 1,000bht or 20 quid. It was sooo good! Absolutely loved it! I took mine quite a long way out to sea and round the edge of the island and saw some amazing villas on the sea front... I would love to own one! WOuld be soooo nice! Had a quiet evening just wandering the streets.
And now we reach today! Hold tight. We had a very early start, breakfast at 7am to leave the hotel in another 'taxi' at 7:30. It took us to a small jetty for our full day tour of Ang Thong Marine Park! There were about 50-60 other people, mainly tourists, along as well so they split us up into 2 boats and we got the 3 engine speed boat! Wheeeyyyy. About an hour of sailing later and we stopped next to a small island and went snorkelling! Its a really odd feeling not being able to breathe through your nose and to be honest there werent THAT many amazing fish around or anything but was good fun all the same. A few people cut themselves on the coral though and Matt managed to get himself attacked by a sea urchin! He had some of the spikes still embedded in his foot so the local guide put this acid type stuff on it (im assuming to clean it??) and then hit the bottom of the foot with an empty coke bottle. Seemed a bit odd at the time but to be fair the spikes did start to drop out during the day. After an hour or so of snorkelling we sailed for a further 20 mins or so to an amazingly gorgeous little beach where we stayed for about 3 hours. I did a bit of sunbathing to begin with followed by sea kayaking! They took about 8 boats of us out at a time, Me and Moises shared a kayak, and we went quite a long way out to anoither small secluded beach on an uninhabited island. We then kayaked for a while longer before returning to our little paradise beach. My shoulders and arms are going to hurt tomorrow! We then had lunch on the island and mooched around in the sun before jumping back on our speed boat to visit another island which has an emerald lake! It was a crazy little walk up some mega steep steps and stuff but was well worth it! You come over this little ridge and see this HUUUGE gleaming green lake ahead of you surrounded by all these sheer cliffs and stuff. It also had a viewing platform to look out the otherway at all the other islands. I think iv got some really good photos but havent looked at them out of the sun yet. An hour of so of that was followed by another hour or so on our speedboat as we headed back to Ko Samui. Back on the island we transferred to an elephant park/sanctuary to have a quick ride. I wasnt convinced that the elephants were treated particularly well but they seemed really healthy and stuff and I',, sure it could be a lot worse. After a short elpephant (or chang in Thai, yes, like the beer) we headed back to the hotel. I kinda burnt my feet a bit because I bought some flip flops yesterday and my right arm is quite red but the rest of my, especially my face, is a niiiiiiice deep shade of brown! Alritttteeeeee! Hopefully I dont lose it in China or else you will never believe me!
I better leave you al in peace now, i havent put much of this blog in detail as I had to cover so much but will show you all the pictures when I get home :) Not sure when next blog will be, free day on Ko Samui tomorrow then on Friday evening we get an overnight train to Bangkok where we finish this tour on the 3rd May. Will probably be in contact from Bangkok. Until next time, take her easy! xxx
P.S if you want to see where we are staying it is called CHAWENG RESORT :)
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