Ok so i'm a little late on the whole blogging issue but patient is a virtue my friends and good things come to those who wait. Raise your expectations now? Damn i'm feeling the pressure.
So its my 3rd evening in Singapore now, i think i'm over the jetlag now but its difficult to tell, constantly feeling tired during the day and then waking up at about 3am! The weather is probably contributing to that though, about 32 degrees with 65%-75% humidity! Luckily everywhere is air conditioned and with the MRT (the underground) its almost possible to get where you want to go without walking around outside too much.
I think I will start at the beggining; a very good place to start I hear you say. On the first evening I checked into my swanky high rise hotel and was given a room on the 15th floor with brilliant views over the city. They have a london eye here- only its bigger! I think they have just celebrated its 1st birthday. I was pretty hungry so wandered onto the streets to see what I could find. I ended up in little india and it is no exagerration to say that I have NEVER smelt anything like it. I dont know if it was a nice smell or not, it was too overpowering to have any kind of personality (as far as smells can have) but it was crazy. Lots of lights and lots of noise as well. I got to bed around 11:30pm only to awake again at 4, about 9pm british time (makes no sense!?!)
On day 2 I decided to walk to my hostel (on the map it looked about 5 mins) but I got a little lost and it took me about 40. I was carrying my big heavy rucksack and by the time I had arrived I could have taken a shower to dry off. The dorm room is midget without windows and contains 3 bunkbeds and 6 lockers. I was the only one in there when I checked in so had a quick half hour snooze. I then met up with Debs again and we hooked up with Matt for lunch. We then aimlessly wanded Orchard Road complaining bitterly of the humidity. An afternoon nap was then most definately on the cards (still on my own in the room) followed by dinner WITH FREE BREAD!!! again on Orcahrd Road. Since we had had a bit of a lazy day we thought we would hit the worlds one and only night safari! So we jumped onto the MRT, then jumped off it, then jumped into a cab which spluttered the next half hour towards the zoo (do you have to pay the fare if it breaks down?) The safari itself was quite well done, you pay to either walk the trails which cover about half the park or get the tram ride, narrated by a slightly too enthusiastic guide. We decided o get the tram and sat back in the singaporean gloom to watch out for some animals. Obviously as it was dark they werent all too forthcoming but we saw most of them including some really friendly pig things!?! We also got to go into the bat enclosure (literally, INTO) and we all got attacked by the winged rodents. We also saw a crazy tiger and a pissed off elephant who sprayed water at the idiots taking flash photography at the back of the tram. When I arrived back at the hostel about 12:30am there was a canadian snoozing in my room! Crazy stuff
Then when i woke up there was another guy in the room as well! I think he is polish but lives in london now. After a quick breakfast of toast I hit victoria street market which is basically a huge warehouse packed full of little stalls. Its really busy but still kind of exciting. I then met up again with Debs and Matt and we headed for Clarke Quay to get some lunch. Lunch ended up being subway, cultural I know but the food is pretty crazy here. Fish soup anyone? Precisely. We then headed for city hall which was impressive and encountered a game of cricket on the green infront. There were also 2 football pitches but the ground is so hard and the grass so weird (really thick and like weeds) I cant imagine playing on it. The humidity would be a different matter all together! We then hopped again in a taxi (more expensive this time as it costs extra through the city centre) and met up with Moises at the hotel we are meeting at tomorrow. There was also some strange American Navy bloke who works on board a US minewseeper based in Japan... hmmm... We grabbed a bit to eat near Bugis (I ordered a pizza but they were all out so ended up with a crappy chicken rice jobby with TONS of onion and mushroom, blergh...) And now, here I am, kinda hungry, probaby heading out soon to find a bit of much and following the football scores live on t'internet. We are hanging out again in Singapore tomorrow, probably at the botanical gardens before meeting up with our tour leader (and maybe others if there are any others on the tour!?!? :-s). We head off to Malyasia on Monday!
I will keep you all updated, my dear avid readers. haha dont miss me too much
Over and out x
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