Its nearly time to leave & I´ve still got stuff I want to do but haven´t gotten round to it today....ahhhhh!
Still have sugar loaf to do, which will hopefully be today (depending on whether I actually get to go hang gliding today) or if not before we leave tomorrow. Talking of hang gliding i spent 4 hours up a mountain waiting to jump, all harnessed up, adrenaline pumping & it never happened due to the wrong kind of wind?!!!! So I´m hoping today will prove more successful on that front (fingers-crossed!).
Let you know later whether I get to jump or not....................erm it was a no again. I´m so gutted, this the one thing I wanted to do more then anything in Rio & it´s just not been possible because of the direction of the wind. To console myself I did the exact opposite of adrenaline sports & ended up spending the day doing girly stuff with helen. All very boring I know but we got manicures, pedicures, eyebrow shaping & haircuts - all without actually speaking much portugese. Impressed? We were, & we don´t look half bad now, who says back packers look rough, lol!
Helen promises me that tomorrow she´s gonna get up early enough to do sugar loaf mountain before we have to check out of the hostel (I´ve already warned her I´m off out on my own if not, lol - I´m not missing that!). Other than a final stroll down the beach front and lunch somewhere, that´ll probably be the most we have chance to do before we need to catch the bus to the airport (yes, helen´s already freaking out about the planes again).
I´ll post my final photos, my last blog entry & my thoughts and realisations about our journey in a few days time (I warn you now, I´ll probably be sobbing over my keyboard about wanting to be back here!). So thats it folks, the end is nigh & I can tell you with absolute certainty that I wouldn´t change a thing about the past 3 months, except maybe bought more money so I could stay, lol!
Bom Noite, Kez xxx
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