Greetings from Bonito! This is a little place, tucked away on the edge of Brazil (quite near Bolivia) and is meant to be the paradise of Brazil. It is very nice but the weather isn't exactly paradise lol, even though its brazil's winter its warm but not the norm for this area.
We visited the argentina side of the falls on friday, which was pretty cool. We took a boat ride along the top of the falls, saw some crocs upclose, then took a speed boat under the main falls - which was awesome & I really wanted to do that again!
On saturday we saw the brazilian side which was good too as it gave an overview of all the falls rather than just one of them. We'd just finished the trek round them and were having a drink in the cafe area when someone called my've guessed it, we bumped into Jeff (from our galapagos trip) again! It's really quite freaky, this is the third time now! So we arranged to meet up for dinner again in Rio on friday when we finished the tour.
On saturday night we went for dinner with our group and attended a dance show at the same venue, it was very cheesy & caberet style but entertaining nonetheless. Afterwards we went to a local nightclub which had some kind of theme night going on. Everyone was dressed up like extra's outta the wizard of oz (very bizarre)! It was preety cool though, we had the place to ourselves pretty much for the first hour or so, then the locals turned up dressed just as bizarrely! Think Norwich Mercy throwing a barn dance and you get the picture lol!!!
Our hostel in Bonito is not as luxurious as our previous ones & the owner is very strange, you get charged for doing anything other than sleeping in the beds! Went for a 20 mile bike ride yesterday in the surrounding area with the two irish girls off our tour (much of which is park land) then headed off just outside the town to meet the rest of the group for a late lunch. We saw our fist wild parrots in this park and they were pretty amazing up close, they didn't keep still long enough to get a photo though lol!
Most of tomorrow is going to be spent on a bus again (surprise, surprise!) travelling to the pantanal where we'll be entering the jungle for three nights (eeekkkkk)! Expect an update after that, when we're safely back in Rio.
Love Kez xxx
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