So we're back from salvador, no entries from there as we've had no internet access for the past 8 days!
Our accommodation was quite good, a beach style bungalow opposite a pool surrounded by tropical plants! We spent the majority of our time either strolling down to the nearby beach and shop (thats right just the one!) or lazying in the hammocks by the pool. One day we did exert ourselves and go into the centre just to browse the newest shopping centre though, nothing to adventurous lol! Basically, we'd had enough of trying to find accommodation, transportation & all that goes with moving from one place to another, so we just stayed put for the duration. Lazy I know, but we are coming to the end of our mammouth journey.
We arrived back in Rio last night & met Jeff (our ozzie friend) for one more farewell dinner as he's heading off to Chile today for a few days before returning back home. After a few drinks and remincing about the past few months we parted ways with promises to visit each continent in the future! If there's one thing I hate about this travelling lark, its saying goodbye to people, it just gets more difficult each time you do it!
Today's exactly a week until we leave for home too. We've still got plenty to keep us occupied though, I'm hoping to go hang-gliding (ahhhhhh), we've still got sugar-loaf mountain, Lapa (the samba night spots) & a boat trip around the bays to do before then! Plus plenty of opportunities to shop just a bit more lol.
Well thats your lot for today, will update again soon (if I survive the cliff jumping, mum lol!) - only kidding.
Love Kez xxx
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