Hi everyone we are off to Fiji tonight and then to New Zealand in both places it will be harder to keep you up to date but we will try our best. Take care miss you all xxxxxxxxxxx
just had a look at your new photos.....WOW!!!!! it looks amazing!! looks like you both are having the time of your lifes!!!
just some quick info on the snails... they are unstopable they are laying sooooo many eggs over and over!! thanks guys!! haha!! cant wait to see the next photos.
Thanks for the e-mails, sorry we missed you when you phoned - we were at Thorpe park with the scallywags. I will e-mail you this week and get Murrough and Cara to tell you all about malta (should only take two sentences!). They were so pleased to hear your answerphone message, Cara couldn't stop grinning!! Hopefully I will attach some pictures of the gang to the e-mail (if Mike showd me how to get them from the camera to the computer) Take care and speak soon. Úna
Happy Birthday Christine!! Have a great day hun!! xxxxx
Hi you two - hope you are both behaving yourselves - i will e-mail you at the weekend - everyone says hello and sends their love to you both.
Mum And Dad
Hi to both of you. Just read some of your latest messages - what a cheek - who was that who said you had no knickers on!!!??? Mind you, i did have to look twice at that particular photo! Saw you had a nice message from Susan and Colin - i think they have got a new computer. Nan still has not got hers fixed but i think she is trying to buy a new one!
It sounds like your adventure on Whitsundays was really fantastic - where are you now? Can't wait to see your next instalment of pictures!! We have emailed you so look forward to receiving reply. Still missing you loads but can't believe you have been away 2 months - where did that time go?? We will soon be changing the clocks here and the dark nights will be upon us and then before we know it, it will be Xmas and we will be on our way to see you both - we can't wait..... Take care and loads of love - bye for now. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
pic 645 - no knickers?
I am soooooo jealous - I have just read Cairns postcards!! Everything you did we did on honeymoon and it brought back the memories and yes i agree with you both Cairns is the best bit of Oz, we loved it and it would be the one part of it I really would like to go back to. The cable car over Baron falls is REALLY scary as you know you will be tea for the crocs if it were to fall!! Glad to hear you survived the Daintree experience - I found it a bit scary eyeing up crocs on their home turf so to speak - glad to get off that boat! How are you coping with all the lizards?
Murrough, Cara and Jake went bowling at the weekend, Cara won and she was so pleased with herself - Murrough was gutted and got in a strop, Jake found it amusing that Murrough was stropping. Murrough is still missing you two but he doesn't want to marry Kerry any more. Murrough got really upset when he heard you phoned nursery and Cara got to speak to you both! We have promised that we will phone you sometime so he can talk to you both - hope I get the time difference right or we won't be too popular!
Murrrough and Cara will write soon - they prefer to look at the photos (which are brill by the way) Take care and we will write soon. Úna
Susan And Colin
Hello there Natalie and Kerry. We are really pleased to be able to write to you at last. As you can see we have now got our email working as from today, so hopefully we should be able to keep in fairly regular contact with you from now on. I have been very nosy and have spent the last hour reading most of your past correspondence to and from everyone and I also saw some of your pictures on your mum and dad's site, shortly before the Bali bombings happened, and we managed to look at some more today on our own site. (I just hope we know how to get them next time we try). Colin does all the logging on and I just sit here and type, so fingers crossed! I intended to text you before, but my messages were all too long so I abandoned that idea. Anyway, we are so pleased to see and hear you are both enjoying yourselves and that you are safe and well. I saw the news about Bali and thought straight away about your intended visit but didn't realise you were going there so soon, even though I had spoken to your mum and dad just the previous Sunday - that week seemed to go so quickly and Beryl told me you had been and gone. I expect Australia is really lovely, there and also New Zealand are the two places I would like to see one day but with us you just cannot say when. It will just take us a bit longer than your 19 years. I'll try and get to the Isle of Wight first. I was pleased to see that Caron and Matt are keeping you updated with celebrity gossip of which I know just a little. If they can keep that up together with any other news I'll tell Colin not to bother buying any more newspapers. Well, I'm going to sign off now and look forward to speaking again soon so be careful and carry on having fun. Lots of love from Susan and Colin. xxxxxxxx
Really great to see your photos and hear that you are enjoying yourselves. I read the bit about Bali and it sounded as if you were really lucky. Glad your'e both safe and well. Seems weird catching up with you on your website though. Especially knowing that i'm not out there too, you jammy sods. Anyway, you take care and keep us posted on everything. Loads of love. Nadine XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX