Hello Nat and Kerry, I started work at 08:30 and it has taken me til now to read all your adventures and look at your photo's.... I am so amazed at how much you have already done..... The way you write makes you sound so excited and happy..... I am glad I get to share this with you..... I am so jealous.. missing you lots but love hearing about what you have been doing and can not wait for the next installment, it is like reading a book..... Be safe and be happy...... speak to you soon Love Vallis xxxxxxxx
Helloooo everyone!! glad to see u r all keeping track of us!! Just to let u know I'm having some problems getting the photos onto the site so they maY be a slight delay in the new albums!!! big kisses to u all xx
hello nat and kerry
I see you are having a wonderful time. lovely photos and can see you are making the most of your trip.
just had lovely dinner with mum and dad. xx
Aunty Ailsa
Hi my darlings - hope you are really relaxed and enjoying the views. Be good and take great care of one another. Fantastic to feel a part of your trip - it feels like we can see what you see- its amazing. Love you both Ailsa and clan xxxxxxxx
Uncle Bill
Hi Kerry & Nat Quite amazed at the journey you have done so far - beware of the dangers because all countries have them. Hope all goes well and you have a safe journey until we meet again -
Sheila & Peter
Hi you two, thank you for letting us all know that you are safe and enjoying yourselves. The web site is wonderful. It is great to be able to keep in touch in such a wonderful way. We all miss you but the six months will go quickly i'm sure. But not too quick of coarse for you both. Look forward to seeing more exciting pics on your travels.
Love you loads Kerry, try your best darling to keep in touch. xxxxxxxxxxxx Mum & Dad
Mum And Dad Andrews
Hi to both of you. Your pictures look wonderful and you are obviously having a great time! it's really good being able to see you both and all the things you are doing. It makes you being away not so bad - like we can see you everyday!! How are you feeling after all your Thai treatments? How was the train journey to North Thailand? Looking forward to seeing the next instalment of pics!! Loads and loads of love both of you. Mum and Dad XXX
Adie Brown
Hello how are you both ? having fun by the looks of it, sorry i didnt say good bye you know how it is . Have a great time stay safe and i ll write another message soon .
Adie Brown
Bailey Moon (& Annele)
Hi Kerry and Nat!
This is little Bailey saying that I miss you both at Nursery and hope you are having a good time away so far. Today at Nursery I ate all my dinner (beans on toast) and played with Mara and Jake and Callam. I have been a good boy for Rachael and Sarah. On the weekend Mum and Dad took us to see Thomas the Tank Engine at Alton and I went for a ride on Diesel which was really fun.
Love BAILEY xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Kerry and Nat - LOVED the photos and the whole web page. What a great idea! Have a ball! Love AnneleXOXOX
Matt Case
Evening Nats and kerry!
i have just got home from being round Natalies for the last time for 6months! boo hoo! i cant believe that this is it......your off!!! never thought id have to say bye to you nats going travelling.....london seemed right!!! but things change and you look happier than i have possibly ever seen you!!!!!!!!!!! You'll both ahve an amazing time together!!!!!! Make sure you take lots and lots of snaps!!!! i could look at photos of peoples travels all day!!!!! im soooo jealous!
You mean so much to me Natalie and although we dont see each other every week your one friend that is staying around forever!!!!! (and kerry i hope your there too to get to know better). Your one in a million Nats!!! You'll love this trip sooo much!!! and when you get back you'll have so much to fill me in on!!(when you come down to southampton to visit me!)
I'm missing you already! but its time for me to go!! Take care darling and dont forget me on your travels!!! i love you forever more and want to let you know you mean so much and are one friend that knows me better than most and for that i love you so much more every day!!! take care of each other!!! Im looking forward to February more than i ever have! and stay in touch!!!!
Love you loads and loads and loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my lucky star!!