Hi Kerry and Natalie - so relieved to hear you were okay from Vctoria. Great photos - v jealous! Have a fabulous time and make sure you get some witchetty grubs down! Juliette is crawling like the wind and is very naughty now - the fun has begun! Take care of yourselves LOL G, D, C &J xxx
Nat And Kerry!!!
SUPRISE!!!!! we've uploaded the photos.... have a look if u have an hour or 2!!!!!
Sam O
me again,
forgot to mention about the sandles and socks (hehe) looking very good ladies!
Sam O
netno nat nat nuess nho. its me Sam im so so so so so so jealous of the pair of you matt gave me your website address and have just been looking at the pictures it looks like you are having the time of your lives out there. Those little children look so adorable can you please adopt one for me and bring them back. Love the elephant pictures youre being brave arent you nats i bet you were screaming loads poor kerry and poor elephant hehe. Well just wanted to say hi and now im done stay safe girlies x x x
Mum And Dad
So glad you got out of Bali safely - we were so worried about you both - especially when we realised you had missed your flight out of there!!
You've obviously had a mini adventure within the great one!!
It was lovely to hear you when you called this morning from Cairns. Hope you find some reasonable accommodation. Speak to you soon. Missing you loads - Mum and Dad PS: We will text you the DAY BEFORE ALL of your other flights - just in case..... Love from Us XXXXXXX
Natalie And Kerry
Hello All!
Well what a few days we've had! As you all heard Bali was bombed in two places, Kuta and Jimbaran beach. We were staying 50 yards from the one in Kuta and heard the explosions and aftermath. We were very lucky as we had only just returned from the exact spot. It was a scary few days and we tried to stay in the resort but we did drive past the bomb site a few times. After the bombs it was a ghost town as the Australian Consulate had posted letters to all Australians in Bali telinng them to return home as soon as possible, they had laid on lots of emergency flights. We felt safe in our hotel so we were quite happy to stay on until our flight out on Tuesday. UNTIL..................................
My dad text us on Sunday at 11 45pm (when we were asleep!) to say that he'd just noticed our flight was actually in half an hours time not Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we went to the airport but obviously had missed it, luckily our tickets were transferred as Quantas were getting everyone out and taking anyone, so we didn't have to pay either.... we were soooo lucky! What Prats!!!!!!!!!!! Horray for the Andrews parents!!!!!!!!!!! (glad someone knows when our flights are!!!!!)
The flight out was worrying, obviously a flight which was solely Australians trying to flee Bali and victims ans reascue workers was a good target for the terrorists so as you can imagine we were so relieved to touch down in Sydney!! We were then interviewed by the Australian FBI, greeted by paramedics, and swamped by TV crews as we entered the terminal!!! What a day!
We are now at Sydney airport waiting to leave for Cairns, its freezing!! We will put all our photos on in Cairns (hopefully!!) I think there are about 800 or more!!
Speak to you all soon!
Jane Stubbings
Hi guys, thought i had better send a quick hello from the Stubbings Family. Jake has started school and although he's loving it, he's desperately missing the 'old days' from nursery, bless him!! He has been part time at school as well up until now and due to lack of stimulation and his friends is really playing up at the moment!!! None of us can wait for him to go full time!!! Amelia is doing well and has started nursery although has been poorly with a cold ever since she started. Steve and I just generally shattered and miss our babysitters, haven't been out since you left!! Very jelous of you both, glad you're having a great time. Take care
Matt Case
Hey Girls. I hope your still ok! hows bali? gorgeous i bet! hows the tans going?
not that im jealous. thank u for my? bday msg! Very cool of u to remember! and uni's wkd i cant wait for u to cum visit!!!!! any more amazing people? you mamaged to catch up with the celeb gossip yet? i hope so!!!!! how horrible. whats all the food like...typical of me to ask!!! i bet its sooooo gorgeous!!!
love you both
missing ya
Becky, Neil And Zak
hello Kerry and Nats, i wish i was still at nursery and i love you xxxxxx - Zak wrote this himself!!!!! (with a little help from me) How are you both, it sounds like you are still having lots of fun. Saw the photo of the 8 legged friend it scared me so much I almost went ito labour!!!! Zak can't wait for the baby to come along, we have 7 1/2 weeks to go, not that I am counting..... I am well but very tired, the hospital and midwife are keeping a very close eye on me. Zak keeps saying he wants a sister but Neil and I have a feeling we will have another boy... I told Zak this and me said "Ok, I will have a brother first then a sister!!!!" Another message from Zak - the fish are well, got to go as i need too gettt ready for preschool lov ee yyyyyyou. Zakxxxx Ok its me back again, Zak and I have been looking at all your photos and he would like to see more of both of you together. Must dash as its taken longer than I thought to write you a message and we may well be late for school now. Take care love Becky x
Mike wants to know if you are going to post the photos of the ping pong show??? Not that i know what it is you know!!!
Singapore is amazing and I thought the airport was amazing as well - could stay there for days and it is all soooo clean, did get stared at a lot because of my red hair!
will write again soon with the terrors.
Kez & Nat -Thought I had better send you a message. I have read your travel news and it sounds as though you are having a fab time. How did you cope with that spider on 2 Sep, I would have passed out!! Really missing your loud tones and the regular Busted music that used to blast out from Room 9! I haven't heard Busted since you left! Anyway take good care of yourselves and keep safe. Love Lisa XXX
Hey Nat and Kerry, seems no one has responded to your plea for celebritiy gossip. Well girls, I have to say "Same old, same old" mostly, however....and bear with me if you have got the juicy from the internet in the wonderful Singapore airport...Kate Moss filmed by some snitch's mobile phone snorting 4-6 big lines of cocaine in 40 minutes with Pete Docherty, backed up by all the fashion industry to begin with, then unceremoniously dropped first by H&M, then Burberry, Chanel, Rimmel, Vanderbilt jeans, the hypocritical lot. How do they think she has always managed to stay stick thin? Whole sorry mess not helped by the revelations of (depending on which sleazy red top you read) three,four or seventeen in a bed romps. Same old, same old yes. Sadie Frost, Davinia Taylor, Jude, Pete and Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
The lovely Jordan and Peter tie the ever so tacky knot of yards of pink satin and diamonds. Truly understated. Hmmm.
Lemar, the first person to leave Fame Academy situation and actually make it big with real talent. Either up for or won MOBO award. Unsigned guy called Sway beat the biggies to get best hip hop act.
Darren Day is going into the priesthood. Just joking.
Anna Friel has a baby. You'd think she was the only person in the world to have ever given birth. Not joking.
Brad and Angelina. Still going on. Poor old Jen.
Hello! or OK! it ain't but it gives me the excuse to buy them for research purposes on your behalf.