Hi to you both. Just a quick message as we are organising ourselves for the big event tomorrow - Zak gets to meet his baby brother or sister!!!! I can't beleive we are finally at the end of this pregnancy, but we are and we are all so excited. I will attempt to email you with a photo when I get home and get organised - you'd probably be home by then!!!! Zak sends his love and both Neil and I send you our best wishes. Take care, enjoy life in the camper van!!
Kerry And Nat
Hello everyone thanks for all the messages it is really nice to hear from you all!!! We are now in New Zealand, we arrived this morning from Fiji. We pick the campervan up tommorrow so there should be some interesting stories to come. We will up-date the web-site as soon as we can with 100's of more photo's and a postcard about the fijian Islands!!!!!!! Miss you all xxxxx
Zyn Zyn, Garry And Puke
Onmigod, hello to you both from us 3.
You must think we have been soooooooooooooo rude not contacting you - I have been trying but seem to get a blank screen all the time!!!! Am at Kirsty's now and have just been talking about you and she managed to call you up!
Hope that you are having a fantastic time, we are missing you and often think of you. Have had a quick look at your pictures, it looks really amazing and we are all very jealous now, especially as it is getting darker, colder and horrible.
Not much news to tell you I'm afraid, apart from the fact that we currently have no basement (since August) as it flooded and just has been problem after problem, so we have great big fans blowing all the time to dry everything out and we are getting fed up with it now. Luke seems to have settled into senior school really well, we have just had him up to London and he has finally been tested and confirmed with having dyslexia which makes so much sense now but we are now having to fight the school to make sure he gets all the help and support he needs as he has to take his options in 2 years!!!
Write back and tell us all your gossip and fill us in with all your adventures.
Hope to speak with you soon, miss you loads
Lots of love
Zyn Zyn, Garry and Puke xxxxx
Hello Nat and Kerry
Hope you are both ok... Only just found out about the website a few weeks ago, how cool is this! You both look like your having the time of your lives! (how jealous am I??) Im going to send you a more detailed e mail now natalie but before i go, I have one thing to say to you miss Zippy, EAT SOMETHING!!!! You look like a recent Lindsay Lohan, oh, sorry i forgot, you dont have recent Heat magazines to hand!!! (im sorry i had to get that one in as im so jealous of the pics and places your seeing and i know what you are like with your gossip!!)
Anyway got to go, love you loads and loads.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bungle bonce
Mum And Dad
Hi both of you - Its great to know that you are still having the most fantastic time and each place you visit has something new to explore and experience! Counting off the days now until we meet up but you still have so much more to see and do before then!! Really looking forward to more pics of your escapades in Fiji - the photos have been brilliant up to now and it really is a fantastic way of keeping in touch with you and actually seeing you both as well. Keep on having the time of your lives........ lots and lots of love - still missing you loads too.XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Chris, Sarah And Kate
Hello Nat and Kerry!!
Missing you loads!! Hope you're both having a lovely time, looks that way from your photos!
Christine had a lovely birthday, and its Kate and Sarahs this weekend!!! going to Brighton!
Hope you're both well. Speak to you soon!
Love ya
Matt Case
Hey Guys.
Im glad your still having fun. Looks soooo amazing and i cant wait to get going on my travels now...in 3 years. lol.I hope Fiji is fun. New Zealand next....thats mean to be great...dont forget your nose clips though....meant to be a lot of sulphur in the air that smells like rotten egg. You'll love it Nats. hehe. You are both looking amazing...very slim!! jealous. Uni is good....still loving it...although i have quit the rowing team...shock horror...there are stingers and baby sharks in the itchen apparently and im not taking any risks...maybe ill miss the dive you did when i go on my travels. ooohhhh..some goss im sure your unaware of...that i was gutted i missed- the asda xmas commercials were filmed in Basingstoke!! Im gutted im in Southampton!! anyway ill stop boring you. Missing you Loads and loads. Nearly half way thru!!! Take care of yourselves.
Murrough (&mike)
Hiya, Murrough has just spent some time catching up on your adventures. He still has a fascinated with divers so he had to look at every diving picture in minute detail! It's Nov 5th so we are off to see some fireworks (don't you miss this country? I bet you can't stand in a muddy field in the dark, cold and rain in Fiji!) Take care, Murrough wants to do some kisses now XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Kerry And Nat
We are here in beautiful Fiji and we thought that you would like to know the heat is over powering. We start our tour on Saturday so we will keep you up-dated. Bye for now!!!!!