To kerry and natalie. I love you, i hope you are having a lovely time and hope to see you soon. Love Jakexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad W
Hi you two, your pics are just wonderful it's great to be able to share your wonderful world with you - then back to Basingstoke with a BANG!!
Well done Nat - bet you can't beleive you did it darling.
Maybe in Oz you can both have a go and it will be warmer.
Speak to you soon
I like to see a picture of Colin please!!!!!
Lots of love
Matt Case
OHHHH MMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOODDDD!! U absolute plonker. haha. i cant believe u did that.....i agree with your mum and dad...what happened to the girl that sat at the back of maths gossiping with me about how stupid people are for wanting to do things like jump OUT a plane....we swore the only reason we'd get on a plane would be for first class im so proud nats...ur such a star.
Just quik to say that if your back in OZ in time that the im a celeb is filmed in star searching for me. haha
Missing you lots. Hey Kerry...i hope your ok. see you soon (well...a while) love you lots
Mum And Dad
Hi to both of you
Just seen the photos of your jump Natalie - cant believe how brave you are!! What happened to the little girl who was afraid to go on a fast ride at the fair? Great though that you are conquering all those fears!!
Keep on with all those exciting adventures - after that sky dive everything else will seem quite easy!!
Hi Kerry and Natalie.
I finally got round to checking out your website properly.
Looks like you're both having a great time so good for you. Although Natalie looks terrified doing that jump, but not quite as terrified as I would be.
Kerry, I sent you an E-mail answering all your questions and updating you on my life!
Anyway, I'm glad you're having fun.
Take care
Kirsty & James
Hello you two. Sounds like your having a lovely time still and i'm very jealous. Weather here is just sooooooooooo cold. James is still James, he got caught cutting up the new aprons at nursery last week so another trip to the office for him, he then thought it would be a good idea to cut his top yesterday at home, he is now banned from scissors. Nothing much else to report oh Nicky is pregnant which is fantastic. Not sure if the parents at nursery know but some will know by reading this. Anyway take care. Lots of love Kirsty & James
Lucy Ur Cousin
Hey nat lucy here! Hope ur having a great time on your big mission! im sure u r! Im in basingstoke this weekend to pick up my car, the driving is going quite good.... The weather here is freezing, your so lucky!!!!! Have a great xmas and new year and hope to c u soon! lots of love lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Matt Case
Hey you to lil travelling guys.
i am just posting a message to say hello and i hope you are both still ok and taking care of each other!! and also jsut to say this could be the last message i leave as im fed up of feeling jealous everytime i log on. so see you in Feb.
take care speak soon
Love Matt
Chiara & Chandler
Hello Girls!
Glad to see your making the most of ur time away its bloody freezing here!!!!! so your not missing much ; - )
chandler says hello he cant w8 2 c u both wen u get back ... and then u can meet mark aswell!!!!
spk sn
lot of love
Chiara xxxxxx
Kerry And Nat
Hello Everyone... we are so so sorry we haven't been in contact, we are rushing around the north island of NZ as we only have 10 days to do it in! We promise that we'll update a fiji postcard asap its just at the moment we have no time to sit at a computer! We are having a fab time in 'Colin the Camper!" and we really enjoy all the driving, our trip is action packed with adventure at the moment..... (I'm definitely overcoming some fears-Nat) Anyway we hope you are all fine and enjoying the run up to Xmas (we'll collect our pressies on our return!!) Theres not so much as a sniff of tinsel here!