Woke up this morning to find it being quite a clear and bright day. By the time we`d got ourselves up and ready it was mid-day and by this time it had started to snow again. Wrapped up extra warm and set off to walk to the "Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec". It was quite mild today; around -4 and compared to the past few days it felt fairly warm! The wind seemed to be picking up but we didn`t think anything of it. It was fairly quiet along the roads and not very busy on the streets.
Once at the gallery we paid to see a small collection of works by El Greco, Murillo, Goya, Picasso, Mirò and Dalì. Was quite disappointed as there wasn`t much of Dalì`s work on exhibit, but was in complete awe of what I did see. It was such a shame we were unable to take photos.
I was impressed with the Picasso work that was exhibited. It was quite an honour to see the collection of paintings.
We also stopped by to see Riopelle`s work that was on display; a local Québec artist, which was really interesting to see.
Spent about two hours in the gallery and within that time the weather had completely turned for the worse! It was a blizzard outside and we had to walk back in it! It was so windy and I don`t know if it was still snowing or that the wind was just blowing the snow from the ground, but quite possibly both! If I thought it was quiet on our way to the museum then it was a ghost town on our way back! There must have been weather warnings because there was hardly a soul about. I couldn`t believe how much snow had fallen within the space of two hours! Amy especially looked like she`d just come from an Arctic expedition!
Amy and Kelly on a whirlwind adventure, braving blizzards!
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