Made sure we caught the 09:00 "Shuttle bus" from the hostel, which was actually a car - made us laugh! Took us into Jasper town and then from there we took a walking trail towards Patricia Lake. We were told that it would take us just under 7km to walk there. We set off into the forrest and instantly Amy started to worry a little about the wildlife we could encounter - which then made me feel uneasy - this all due to the fact that the unhelpful guy at the tourist information centre warned us that encountering a bear and elk (during their rutting season) would be very possible - but handed us a map and waved us off!(Well not quite waved us off as he was pretty misserable)! ....Anyway, I was suprisingly okay with the idea of walking through the forrest to get to the lake. I had the idea of picking up a fairly large stick to whack against the trees and grass to make as much noise as possible so as not to startle any wildlife when we approached. I ended up finding a huge walking stick, naming him Mr.Stick (original I know!) - it was such a handy thing to have and it kept us both at ease a little! Amy then picked up a stick (with twigs springing out from it) which made me giggle - naming hers Roger!
We set off through the forrest following both our map and the trail directions on the trees. It took around an hour and a half to reach Patricia Lake. It was a dull overcast day, so the lake wasn't picturesque, but with the snow topped mountains and red coloured rock it worth seeing. We read that in the Second World War Churchill was arranging for boats to be built covered completely in ice to camouflage and this was actually tested on Patricia Lake!
I then suggested on carrying onto the next lake and I'm glad I did because the scenery was much better! There was a jetty with about six benches overlooking Pyramid Lake. There was so much wildlife that wee saw just by sitting on the jetty! Fish were jumping out of the water, ducks were diving in and out and I'm not sure what was swimming by the jetty, but my guess was a beaver?! Talking of wildlife - Along the way up to lakes Amy spotted a pile of poo on the edge of the trail - I had a look to find it berry based, meaning bear s***! Amy had a good old prod with Roger and seemed to be fairly fresh, she then spotted a few bears footprints, which ultimately was the last straw for me and so we walked along the roadside the rest of the way!
The walk back took in total an hour and twenty minutes and we estimated that we'd walked around 14km today. We propped Mr.Stick and Roger up against a tree, said our goodbyes and then headed to Jasper museum - which we found to be closed! Which meant that we ended up with three hours and fortyfive minutes to spare until the crap shuttle bus service came to pick us up to get back to the hostel! So as what seems to be becoming the usual - we ended up sitting in a cafe drinking tea/hot chocolate and eating cookies/muffins!Ha!
When we arrived in Jasper we both talked about extending our stay in Jasper, but as it turns out, we both don't want to stay any more longer than we have to - due to the location of the hostel and that everything worth seeing is closed due to the season! So we hurried back to the hostel to book up our stay in Edmonton for tomorrow night. I'm glad that we're now on the move; I'm just itching to get over to the East side now. I'm expecting Edmonton and Calgary to be pretty dull with not much to see. I hope I'm pleasantly suprised; but I'll guess I'll find out tomorrow!
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