Doin these sums is giving me a headache. So the Truth is out. EVERYBODY knows Torquay isn't in Austrailia.
yeh, yeh, st kilda, apostles,great ocean road, melbourne, we've all been there! ps. there is a shop on the great ocean road called "trip extensions" where for $20 each you can buy an extension visa of 6 months for your visit, they even re-book your flights and take care of van hire extension, all for 20 bucks... can't quite remember where it is though, shame really but it would'nt be of interest to you both as we all know you are dying to get back!! Seems like you are just getting through the days, counting them off one by one and then you will see your sons again, oh joy!!!!
Love the pictures..does anybody live in Oz ??..I know they say that it's a huge Island and all that but surly you must be able to find some natuves somewhere!! it because you are scaring them off Keith??..hope you are both loving it..looks like you are very much..
Australia........paracetamol for the soul!!!!
Lin & Dave
well you seem to be making good progress around all the beaches and seem to be staying at some decent sites at last. With xmas approaching have you planned your xmas destination? if not I expect you will be now having heard of the mass ossi exodus to camping over that time.
Getting a bit frustrating over here looking at the van outside getting wet, may have to take it for a spin this weekend and pretend Sussex is one of those ossi beaches.
missing the Phil & Kirsty tips NOT
Still your be writing your tips on every australian beach book when u get back so I can have a continued break from home improvements
Regards from fellow dreamers
Man With No Life
the brain police have edited my message it should read bitshs
Man With No Life
Pretty b****, Merry b****. I don't see no b****es. Ya get me Gezza. An I've been to wales but you can't see australia from there so how come you can see wales from Ozz. innit
Bald Fat Bloke
Took Archie for a walk this morning and saw loads of squirrels all over the garden (they are little grey things with vicious stares - a lot like very small kangaroos). It was very difficult to get close enough to take a picture but managed to get the rear end of a couple as they turned to run away (see photos). Can't get over the weather here, 32 degrees yesterday - and we only had the heater on 5. Still, found a nice can of tomato soup in the pantry and cooked it in the garden in memory of some friends who are roughing it down-under. PS took possession of the house in Lowestoft on Friday... brilliant.
Man With No Life
Seeing the Chinese Garden I am reminded of an appointment at the wing yip tomorrow. More pictures of rain please.
Yours Mr happy
Ginger Wizard
I can't believe you meet the legend that is Alf Stuart! Did you meet Alsa his wife??? Tell me you got his autograph. That man is up there with the gods, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Marlon Brando!!! That has got to be the cherry on the cake! Forget all the tourist sites and beautiful scenery, Alf Stuart!! Rest of the pictures look quite good and you seem to be having a nice time. All the best and lots of love, the Ginger Wizard x
Bald Fat Bloke
I've booked the flight to see Darryl and got in touch with PwC in London to see if they want me to take anything over. Managed to pick an annual report they needed done in a rush but now we're stuck as there is noone here to do the artwork. Still RR is coming in again next week so Chris is getting excited. 'Sorry' about the poor weather you're having.
Lovely to see Sydney pics, lots of nice memories there for me and Spencer! Glad you saw the Opera House, you couldn't go all that way and not see it, it's too pretty. Did you go on the vertical train in the Blue Mountains and back up on the cable car? Glad you are still enjoying yourselves, looking forward to the next installment.