Tuesday I woke up to what I thought was going to be another boring day while everyone was at work.
But to my surprise Leo was sitting down stairs. He had taken the day off cos he felt bad for me being alone.
We sat there and watched the rain fall down and thought of what we could do. Then Leo suggested a drive. He hired a car and we were on our way to Dandenong forest.
After driving around a bit I asked if we could go to Geelong which was completely the opposite way to where we were, Leo agreed and we were on our way.
I wanted to take a picture on the Great Ocean road sign as last time I went up there, I missed it.
When we were on our way we soon realised we had done allot of the Great Ocean Road already and decided we would just go for it and see what we could do in a day.
I saw some breathe taking views and even saw wild Koloa’s which was so cool. They are so funny and sleepy.
Our last stop was going to be Port Campbell but before we got there our hire car started having lots of white smoke coming out the back. To be on the safe side we decided to stop and pull over.
We were in the middle of nowhere.
We called the hire company who said they were going to send the RACV out to have a look at the car. As we waited I remembered the film “Wolf Creek” and asked Leo if it started with back packers breaking down and It did Eeeeeeeeek!!!!!…….
When the guy pulled up in his un marked truck I started to freak out, this guy looked so dodgy!!
He had a look and decided he needed the car to go back to his work shop. So he pulled the car onto the truck and off we went. As we were going deeper and deeper into the country and night was getting darker I felt sick with fear, especially when we pulled down a road with was called Jason’s Creek. We drove down this dirt track and there was his work shop. This place looked so scary. About 30 broken down cars over grown with grass, trucks and tractors etc. The guy opened the massive metal shed and all I saw was things hanging from the ceiling and sides…I thought! “omg im gonna die” I even took pictures of the truck we drove in, so the police had the guys details when he found my body! That’s how scared I was. Ha!
Any way the car only took 20mins to fix and we left VERY quickly. Even Leo said after he was a bit freaked out. I nearly had a god dam heart attack.
It took us about two hours to get back but we made it alive.
What a day! We went through a red light, backed into a sign, got a parking ticket and broke down!!!
I wasn’t driving for all of those before you say anything……….
The next day we went into the city and did a river cruise down the Yarra River, it was a really nice sunny day and it was relaxing to take a cruise and see the city at a different angle.
After wards we went Brighton beach which isn’t too far away from Bayswater. On the way we went past some amazing houses. I would give my left arm to live in one. They were massive and overlooking the beach. We stopped off at one of the beach’s and laid there for a while soaking up the sun. We were the only people on it. Ha!
After we took a stroll up to see the beach huts. Some of them were painted really well. Nothing like our beach huts in Felixstowe. They were very big and pretty to look at.
Had a late lunch in St Kilder and made our way back to Bayswater.
When it got dark we went in search of houses which were decorated in Christmas lights, trying to get in the Christmas mood. Apparently there is a street which is shut down because they are famous for their lights. I hope to go see these soon.
Bonzer. x
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