Hi ya!
I spent my first night out in the city on Friday.
I really wanted to go Karaoke singing so kept going on about it all night.
While we waited in Transport (A bar near Flinders St) and I stuffed my face with chips and wedges Leo got chatting to a couple sitting on the same table as us. They used to work together at the Big Wheel thing, like the London eye until it got taken down after a few months cos the steal cracked! Ha! Any way he mentioned I wanted to go karaoke singing and said they should come along.
They wasn’t really in the mood for singing but after a few hours, drinks and more people we soon twisted their arms.
So. Me,Leo,Di,Dean,Bianca and Danea all went to on our way to China town where karaoke is very popular. We stopped off at Robot where Danea brought us girls a “surprise” drink which involved a sugar cube and lots of fire! It was actually a nice drink but it was so strong…I knew it was gonna be a long night!
Any way onwards to China town we found karaoke, but it really wasn’t anything I had in mind,
I thought sweaty old men, middle aged woman singing summer of 69….
But oh no! Oh no! We walked into what looked like a posh broffel (don’t worry mum-it wasn’t) as we were being lead to our “room” I watched all the Asians singing in their own booths. It was very odd. When we got to our room there was a TV, two microphones and a big sofa thing. A button to press for our waiter to bring us unlimited drinks and food. …It was my idea of heaven! !!
The heaven lasted until 3am and Leo was wasted, so I thought it was time to leave.
The next day we went horse riding in forest which wasn’t too far away from Bayswater.
Leo was bricking it as he had never been on a horse before. You should of seen his face when we got there and the guy taking us out said we were gonna be going cantering with the big group. I believe his words were “arrhh he will learn quickly”
But it turns out that we got taken out by two 16 yr olds and Leo’s horse had a lead ha! I think Leo felt allot better about it being this way.
It was ok though as one of the girls took me on a route where I could go a bit faster than walking/trot! Leo did really well considering!!
At night we went and saw New Moon and im now in love with Jacob-thought I would just throw that one out there!!
On Sunday we went to Phillip Island with Leo’s family.
We had a really good day. The sights were Sooooo beautiful (see pics) I felt so lucky to be there.
On the way back we went from the seaside to the country to find wild kangaroos, as I had seen them before but not so close.
We waited for them to come out of the forest area and I was standing quite close when Bella, Leo and Connie stood a bit further back.
I know they can kick and be quite scary, so I was a bit weary standing so close.
Before I could change my mind and stand further away …It honestly was like a stampede of kangaroos coming out of the forest!!
I never ran so fast in my life and squealed like a little girl. It was like the Blair Witch Project with kangaroos!! No one will ever see the video I was taking while this happened!! Ha!
I hope everyone is groovy.
Thanks for the comments. Yay!
That’s the update of my very exciting life!
Toodles. x
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