Well as you know I made it to Melbourne.
It took its sweet time getting here though.
Heres the low down:-
I said goodbye to Joey (the dog) sniff, and I went on my way to Heathrow with mum, dad and babcia. I was feeling ok about it all until we got about 10mins away from the airport and the car stared making a really loud clicking noise, dad was worried as it got worse and worse. Luckily we got to a car park and went down to check in. In the mean while dad had to sort the car out with the AA.
I was happy to get a window seat and then we went to get something to eat.
I didn’t want to leave everyone so when I heard the AA was coming at 4 I felt quite blue.
Even though it was only 30mins before they were gonna leave.
Dad had to wait in the car so we all went down and sat with him.
The time soon came round and I had to say bye. Oh there were tears! I must have looked like a right freak, as I walked through security !!!
I only had to wait about 45mind before my gate came up and I made my way there.
Which by the way would be the furthest to walk!! Doh!
I took my seat and I made friends with the guy sitting next to me, who was going home to HK for Christmas. He has been living in Bath for ten years so could speak English well. He was a really nice guy and it was interesting to talk to him.
When we got to Beijing it was flipping freezing and I felt sooo tired! I had to wait here for about an hour and then went back on the plane for a few hours and then got off in Shanghai. I didn’t even know I had to get off here, so was a little worried. I met an English couple who said the same thing so we stuck together. We had to wait an hour here and then on yet another plane. This time I was hoping it would land in Melbourne next.
Thank god! It did. I went through the border security which took forever and got my bag pretty quickly.
In the mean time Leo told me he was running late but would be there, when I walked out I just remember the heat hitting me…awww I loved it! I then had to wait a few mins for Leo. When he arrived it felt strange as I have not seen him for two years now, but it didn’t feel like 5mins ago we were in Melb watching footie and going out.
I have to admit though. I felt really home sick.
Being so tired didn’t help either, and when I spoke to mum and dad I found it hard to fight the tears.
I honestly think its going to take a bit of getting used to.
Really looking forward to doing a bit of horse riding soon.
Missing everyone so much. x
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