ARGHHHHHHHHHH SO MUCH TO WRITE YOU HAVE NO IDEA! So will most probably miss out lots of amazing bits and will never remember them again! Joy!
Last time I wrote I was about to do the Skydive and Bungy..well...I ACTUALLY DID BOTH! HOORAY! We got taken at 10:00am to Freefall Taupo and surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all, even when people on the bus were mentioning that 'statistically, 1 in 300 people die skydiving, and no one has died at this Taupo one for 2 years so we're due...' (thanks for that Matti!)
So anyway, we got there and I was told I was the first up! AWESOME.....! I got dressed in THE most flattering outfit (big red jumpsuit and leather skull cap, god I looked good) and got fitted out with the safety gear etc (didn't mind looking stupid for that stuff) and made the long walk to the plane. Plus all of this was whilst some guy was waving a camera around my face - a bit offputting when trying to wedge myself into the jumpsuit! (i.e. don't film me bending down showing off this fat bum please!)
I went up in the plane with Sally and Aimee (2 lovely girls from Newcastle) and didn't poo my pants until I got put on the edge of the plane and screamed my heart out!! (If you've seen the pics on facebook you can see just how long for!) The jump was absolutely incredible, but when I first got thrown out, I couldn't really comprehend what was going on and just sorta stared at the ground for a while, then the brain kicked in and it was AWESOME!! The freefall from 15,000ft is supposed to be one minute but it felt like about 10 seconds. The sights were amazing, and when the pull the parachute the rush is just as cool, floating around taking in the surroundings. awesome awesome awesome.
Watching the dvd after was embarrassing as hell, my cheeks...christ...they are so floppy in the wine (chubber chubber)!
After watching EVERYONES dvds (there were about 12 people diving, argh) we headed back to the hostel. I had a quick lunch, sorted myself out and started the long walk to....BUNGY!! Laura and I had decided to do it in tandem (so so so so glad she suggested it, don't think I could've done it myself) and lots of people came to watch so we all went on our way.
Was embarrassing being weighed for it (fatty fatty) but I got up there and after lots of questions bugging the guys whether it was tight enough - IS THERE MORE SUPPORT THAN JUST VELCRO??- we balanced ourselves on the edge after posing for photos which seemed to take FOREVER. the rope is so heavy is actually pulls you down so you have to keep your balance when you're perching..but eventually..'1-2-3-BUNGY'..we fell to our impending DEATH. Or just bounced up and down and got lifted down to a nice little boat. Aaaah. I had survived! And gribbed laura's clothes so tight I may have ripped them! Whoops!
So that was an adrenaline filled day followed by an awesome night, fancy dress! The theme was anything begining with the first letter of your name. K. Hmm. K. Kangaroo, Kite, Koala, Kiwi?!!? Eventually settled for Kitten (kitty kat) and made my own ears and eyelinered (is that a word!) on some whiskers and a cute little nose. No tail though, too much effort!
The next day we headed for River Valley (which is in the middle of nowhere, literally a small hostel in a valley) and on the way stopped at some places which I really can't remember and getting quite tired and can't be bothered to look anything up right now. Will sort that out soon. River Valley hostel was cute but boring as hell, and I wasnt doing any activities the next morning I'd have to either hang around til 1pm, or go with the girls in the campervan to Wellington. Easy choice.
Got to Wellington around 2pm and settled in (SHOWERED as the River Valley ones were they not realise how cold it is here?!) and had a look around the city. Very nice! Joined up with the bus guys when they got back and had a final night out and 'goodbye' with a lot of them as most people go different ways etc. I was one of them, and the next day after a quick trip to the museum headed to the trainstation to go visit my Great Uncle Geoffrey and Aunt Marcia (Grandads brother). They live in Masterton, an hour and a half from Wellington. It's a small country town and that and its surroundings are very cute and quaint, absolutely lovely to spend a few days away from the madness of the kiwi bus and relax!! They totally spoilt me, lavishing me with gorgeous home cooked meals and showing me the places of interest. The best was Mount Bruce, a wildlife centre where I saw a Kiwi bird! There were lots of different birds, very colourful ones, and also EELS! Which was iiiick but interesting as they were MASSIVE, weigh up to 20kilos each! Ick!
I made my way back today and was met by Julian (Mums cousin) and his family, his wife Michelle and kids Peter and Alex. they have another son, Carl, but he is away doing his army training (brave boy!). They were sooo lovely and funny and took me for a Chinese which was delicious! Yum yum!
So I'm back at the hostel gagging for some sleep but this blog has been keeping me awake! Toodles all, I've missed out loads but I can't be bothered right now...til the next time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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