Again, far too much to write since I last updated....
I joined up with a new bus from Wellington making my way south, going over on the ferry and eventually staying for the night in Nelson. I was depressed as only one person from my original bus was on the ferry (a 38 year old no less..nice guy but..). We got to an absolutely lovely hostel, I checked in, made my way to my room...AND SAW LOADS OF MY BUS PEOPLE!! HOORAY!! So glad that they'd decided to stay another night in Nelson, made my life so much better. That night was spent doing laundry. I hate tumble dryers, they broke the zip on my only pair of jeans. Greeeeeeeat.
The next day we headed of to Westport where we did jet boating which was really fun. but cooooooooold. so cold. They had a really nice fire and hot drinks back at the booking place though which was ace. We got back to the hostel and I watched Bridget Jones 2, which was soooooooo good even better than I remember. Go Bridge.
Next day we were off to Mahinapua, home off the legendary Les and Poo Pub. Les is the owner of the hostel/landlord of the pub and is the grand old age of 83. Poo pub nights are pretty well reknowned for anyone who has done the Kiwi Experience, you get given a theme the day before and must prepare costume asap. Our theme was 'no clothing', so outfits were made out of tape and lots of binbags. The most popular outfit (amongst the boys anyway) was wearing just something covering a certain body part. It got quite sickening after a while, seeing cups, cones, even teddy bears protecting their dignity. Best costume though had to bee Joe who was the most creative bumblebee ever, complete with stinger.
We then made our way to Franz Josef! We stopped on the way at a place called The Bushman Centre where we were shown an enthralling video on the history of some sort of farming in nz. Oh and the room was approx -20degrees. GET A BLOODY HEATER BUSHMAN CENTRE!!!! They also had a massive pig. That was cool. Oh and possum pies. Yuck.
We got to Franz Josef and sorted our glacier hike for the next day...along with most people from the bus I was doing the full day, 8 hour hike. Then had a relaxing early night, hooray.
The Franz Josef glacier looks pretty average from the ground, but once you're up there it's amazing. I will put the pics up soon. I got drafted into the fast group (really shouldnt have but I coped!) and off we went... I was one of 2 idiots to fall into a big puddle haha. Only came up to my knees though so it was all good. That evening big drinks were in order and wine was sooo cheap you couldnt say no. Really did wish I'd said no when I had to wake up at 7am the next day to leave to Wanaka.
Wanaka is just a small town but a really cute small town! All I did there was eat and sleep, I felt really ill, a lot of the bus had been having sore throats etc and it was now my turn. Luckily we had awesome rooms with tvs so we watched Freaky Friday which was....yeah it was ok.
We left Wanaka early morning (AGAIN) and headed first to Puzzling World which is basically a place full of illusions and mind tricks. Best was this room that DEFIED gravity...can't explain it, but water run upwards, snooker balls went up tables...really cool. Again, pics to come. On the way to Queenstown we stopped at the original bungy site, Kawarau Bridge, and were treated to a video explaining the origins (mr AJ Hackett bungy'd off the eiffel tower and the legend was born) and then some people did the jump, others paid for the Nevis (highest jump in nz, 134 meters or something MENTALLLL) I just watched and felt pity for those doing the Nevis!!
I've not got much money now so I've not been doing much in Queenstown sadly, apart from the gym....which is good as these kilos/pounds must be lost! 4 pounds down, a million to go....wish me luck. Just about to go see sex and the city again. Tres excited!!
Til the next time
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