I am so neglectful of this blog. I sincerely apologise. It started out so well, but the further I travel, the more I cannot be arsed..
Queenstown was THE BEST PLACE. So good, even with very little money. Days were spent lounging around (sleeping in, finally), having a look round the town and bitterly listening to everyones stories of bungy jumps etc. Gits. Evenings were spent in the hostel bar and then onto world bar, (where much fun happens) followed with a fabulous end to the evening at FERGBURGER. Aaah. That basically sums up Queenstown, with a lot of awesome people thrown in the mix.
After 5 days in Queenstown I made my way back up to Auckland, stopping first at Christchurch where we only had one day, which was spent visiting Mum's cousin Adrienne and her husband John and 2 kids Blair and Kate. They were all lovely so it was nice to see them.
The next day we set off for Kaikoura which is known for dolphin swimming and whale watching..but the weather was so bad it was all cancelled! So literally spent a night in a freezing hostel watching ancient VIDEOS and being bored. Wayhey!!
After Kaikoura came the ferry back to Wellington. I really like Wellington so was a bit frustrated we got their late and were leaving early the next morn, so again did nothing. Awesome.
Theeeeeeen we went from Wellington - Rotarua - Taupo! I love Taupo so was very pleased we got to stay the night there. It was Sally's birthday so we headed to Mulligans for the quiz night as we did last time..but this time it was dead! Not half as busy as when we went their initially, and no fancy dress this time..very sad. The quiz was sooo hard. I got a little frustrated at one point and shouted THIS IS THE WORST QUIZ EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER! In a packed pub that would be no problem..but in a dead one, everyone hears...the 'quiz master' wanted to know who shouted this and what punishment they should receive. Oh crap oh crap oh crap..I walked sheepishly up to him and he....gave me a free beer! Wayhey! Being a cheeky b**** pays off obviously! We encountered each other again later when free drinks were to be given to the first person who brings a pair of boxers up to him... Chris the shy and retiring Scottish guy promptly strips and in a hurry I grab what I can whilst diverting my innocent eyes. I run up to the quiz master and give him...a sock. A SOCK! After sorting my mistake I must've been the millionth person to get some boxers up there, but I got free drinks 'for trying'. Can't complain!!
From Taupo we headed up to our final desintation, Auckland.. I've been here now for 3 nights and have walked around shops, got lots of second hand books in preparation for Fiji and have also had the worst haircut of my life, and probably the most expensive. Stupid hairdresser has made me look like a frickin MUSHROOM. UGHHH.
So I am headed for Fiji this afternoon. Mental. I have a bikini bod ala Vanessa Feltz so this should be interesting. I just hope it's sunny so I can reclaim that awesome tan I had. Then 10 days after I am flying to LA...can't believe how quickly the time has gone! It's July!! I'm home in 3 weeks....mental. Bloody mental!
Anyway, BULA FIJI eh.. byeee xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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