We are now in cambodia! we got a bus from bangkok that took us to the border where we had to fill in numerous forms and security checks, then onto another bus that took us to the bus station to get another bus!! from here it was only another 3 hours but we stopped for tea. we finally arrived in siem reap at about half 6 in the rain and the dark. this was not fun as we didnt know where we were. turns out the busses stop a long way from the actual town so we had to get a tuk tuk. the drivers know this and are there waiting to take you to there hotel/guesthouse. we were picked up by a guy called sky and taken to the hilton (unfortunatly not real!) it was nice. $6 a night for a double fan with an extra bed and a private bathroom. free internet, but no skype and a restaurant.
On our first full day we were taken to the major temples. Angkor wat, Angor thom, bryon ta prom. they were all very impressive but we actually prefered some of the others to Angkor wat! they just had a nicer vibe, a bit more to explore as well.
second day we did the big tour going to the smaller temples a bit further out, we were meant to start with the sunrise at angkor wat so we got up at 4.30 to find its raining so sky said to go back to bed and wed do it the next morning. got up and started at 9. temples are all starting to merge into 1 and the boiling heat doesnt help. we were done by lunch as there wasnt much to see at all of them.
up at 4.30 today to go to the sunrise. lots of people there already but we found a spot in the front. it was dissapointing as the sun didnt rise beautifully how it should the sky just got lighter. no sun to be seen atal!
we then ended up having 2 breakfasts and then saw more temples!! we then went to the floating village. mistake. we had to pay $20 each for the boat trip, then we took a trip to the school but before you know it youve been bustled into the local shop to buy note books or pens or noodles for the kids and now you cant say no! so we went to the school with our supplies then we floated on up the river to the lake where we stoped for a while for no aparent reason then we wnt back to shore and the boy talking actually asked us for money! he said to pay for school but im not sure. then coz we paid him we had to pay the driver too! not fun. then as soon as your assure there are the annoying children who are everywhere all around the temples who follow you saying sir you buy for $1. its all the same stuff everywhere but they do not understand no!!
we have come to the conclusionm that we are too nice and should just ignnore them from go.
we enjoyed the templed and they are good when you are in them but the constant following and nagging and taking advantage of the 'rich white people' has really put us off cambodia. the capital is said to be even poorer so were not really looking forward to it, which is a shame!
hopefully there will be better news to follow. xxxx
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