Due to the request of doing another blog entry, I am back!
It's been 2 months since I've caught up with you and a lot has happened. I had to do a visa run at the start of November so I decided to take 2 weeks off from the sunny land of Ko Lanta and headed to Singapore and Malaysia. My friend from back home, Gemma, met me and we spent a fun week together. Singapore was truly amazing. Possibly the most expensive place in the world, but so much to see and do. I walked so much and gee did it make my body ache. I walked in one day what I possibly had walked in one month here. Was nice to see normal roads again and go shopping!! Felt like I had been put back to the future times. The streets were filling with Christmas decorations and it made me feel all warm and excited inside. Malaysia was a beautiful place with lots to see. Unfortunately it rained every evening which was noisy on my cheap hostel roof, and would keep me up to the early hours of the morning.
Now I'm back in Ko Lanta and living in a small little house in Kantiang Bay. I have a nice big room with a small back room and a tiny tiny tiny bathroom which consists of a squat toilet and a big cement tank full of water which I use a bucket to shower with. I love it. It's located in a lovely spot with nice gardens outside and it's peaceful. I've a little kitten called Tiger who is a very posh cat! Eats chicken every day, sleeps on my bed and even goes into the bathroom when he needs to go to the toilet! He even trained himself to do that!!!
I've also got myself a love life these days. I have a boyfriend called Em who I have been with for nearly 3 months now. He is Thai and absolutely amazing and just so kind, caring and funny.
So what exciting things have happened since being back here. Well firstly, about 4 days after moving in, we had really stormy weather. Me and Em were stood by the wardrobe when all of a sudden the roof just started smashing in on top of us. We ran back and just watched in horror as the roof was shattering. I had bits of roof down my top and couldn't believe this was happening. It was hammering with rain and the floor was getting soaked. We ran outside and found a huge tree had broke and landed on our roof. Luckily the rain didn't last long and the roof got fixed the next day. A few days later I come home to find the floor covered in dust and bits of roof. Not understanding what is going on I go to investigate. Turns out the owner tried to pull the rest of the tree down and in doing so it smashed on my roof again!!! Luckily they managed to fix it straight away! Didn't bother to sweep my floor though!!!! b*****s!
I had a very scary experience 2 weeks ago. I spent the night in Hospital. I actually thought I was going to die. Firstly I just woke up in the night about 4am. I said to Em that I felt sick, so I went to the toilet and just spewed everywhere. I couldn't stop being sick whilst having bum problems. I only have a squat toilet so was s***ting on that whilst just throwing up in front of me onto the floor. It was awful. It was times like this where I so desperately wished I had a Western toilet. So then I slept outside the toilet and was up all the rest of the night. Then for the next 12 hours I was having the worst ever stomach pains. It was unbearable. I got so dehydrated that my whole body had cramp and I actually couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't walk or move. Em had to carry me to the car and take me to the doctors. The first thing she said was that I needed to get to hospital. I was so scared. We got there and Em had to carry me out and put me in a wheelchair. By this point I was a mess. I was crying and in a right state. They put me in this bed and asked me to fill a form in but my hands had completely locked and I couldn't even hold the pen. They put a drip in me and an injection and said I would need to stay in over night cause they wanted to keep an eye on me. They were a bit horrible there. No one would tell me what was going on or what was wrong. Em had to get me changed and take me to the toilet. It was just the worst night ever. Thankfully I'm ok now though.
Cannot believe it is Christmas in 5 days! It is really hard to get in the Christmas spirit here when it is 30 degrees. I did manage to get a fake little tree which stands proudly in my room!
That's all from me for now. Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!!
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