We went to go and see the Terrecotta Warriors in Xi'an, I thought they were a little underwhelming considering they are one of the�Eight Wonders of the World, its impressive considering they have been there for over 2000 years but they were much more broken than I expected and lots were still uncovered.
In the afternoon we left Xi'an and took a 35 seater plane to Yichange, suprisingly it was a lovely little flight, very comfortable and we arrived safely ready to board an overnight boat down the Yangze River.
The warriors were really cool i thought they were very impressive and was suprised by the sheer number of them,�their history and the detail that went into them!! we also sat in a weird circular cinema made of 7 or so screens which was a weird. The Yangze River did unfortunatly subject us to the strangest performance we have ever seen at a volume only the deaf should�endure but�the boat itslf was cool with beautiful scenary along the way!!
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