Sorry Kate but this is going to bore you - it's football news!!
Just thought I'd provide you with some updates with the various shenanigans of the premiership teams:
Peter Crouch - offski to Portsmouth (10 Million pounds)
Xabi Alonso - looks like the deal with Juve is off, probably staying put.
Garreth Barry - 15 Million + Steve Finnan (they're still arguing)
Robbie Keane - rumoured to be joining Liverpool (will cost a lot)
Andy Johnson - rumoured to be going to either Sunderland or Wigan.
Daniel Alves - gone to Barcelona (boo hoo hoo)
David Villa - still being linked with Liverpool.
That's all for now, I'll keep you posted.
Hope you like Vienna.
Lots of love,
Dad xxxxx.
heyyy :)
hope all is ok...i loved reading ur last blog entry about the pigeon and the peacock! LOL
omg kate-i saw max out of hollyoaks in liverpoool (well we think it was him!) u are jealous :P
miss you lotsssss (especially mels fit elbows :P)
Jeanettes Niece
Hi Kate Hi Mel its Jeanettes niece Rebecca Hope your having fun and Jeanette is missing you.
Goodbye xxx
Hi Kate and Mel hope all going good - cant wait to hear how you dried the clothes!! Im sure some fantastic odd way of doing this was thought of, you both being masters of doing things the unconventional way!! Am totally missing u kate as comrad in the secret 21st b/day send up... unfortunately Im not on the ball and am missing inspiration fron u ... not to worry will think of something ... by the way this is written in secret code so Jenny cant read it !!! Thought you,d like to no Tom decided to get Alans guitar out and is learning to play it!!! can you imagine the noise in here with me plunking the piano and tom plunking the song 'leaving on a jet plane' and alan saying I wish u both would ... all good fun...Anyways looking forward to hearing ur news and seeing more pics bye for now love anne alan tom and james xxxxxx
Dad (Glyn)
Melissa and Kate,
Do you think your Uncle Brian's memory condition is now affecting his age???
Suddenly he's lost 10 years - cool!!
Uncle Brian
Hi Mel & Kate
Hope you are having a good time on your travels.
Just with uncle Tim trying to fix my pc ( thats why i am leaving you a message )Prague should be good Plenty of stag and hens to bump into. You need to hijack a stag and test his love for his wife to be. you will think of something.
Enjoy yourselves .
Are you going to miss my 40th on 18th of July.
Uncle Brian.
Alright u 2 hope ure havin a gd time ! have u got lost yet ? i bet u have the pair of u r useless an i still recon u should of brought a tent with u wud come in very handy when u get lost ! anyway have fun an dont do anythin i wudnt do xxx
Sue Jay
hi girls sent u an e-mail yesterday so probably told u all my news in that but just wanted to say again keep the messages coming and more photos please!!!! steven got his place in uni to do arcitechual engineering so hopefully its something he will enjoy speak to u sooon take care and let me know where the next stop is bye 4 now luv sue xxxx
hello my naughties, hope you are having fun in berlin. i have finished work for the evening, my feet are killing and my legs can't move properly, i seriously walk about 40 miles a day in that hole of a pub. however i have made 19 pounds tip so far GREAT SUCCESS and a man drinking a pint told me i had 'nice little ears' i think he did not notice my dumbo flappy one when he told me this. home is very boring, dad got wasted last night as per usual, he bought chips and gravy and left you a drunken message LOL and mum hasn't moved from the couch. neo and belly are fine, neo has more milk a day if thats possible he will be a little fatty in no time!! i wore my chanel bag the other day and i asked dad if i looked like a rich girl, his reply was...and i quote...'wouldn't you rather people said look at that sharp attractive girl than look at the rich girl' WHAT A LOSER so i informed him that i have given up on these qualites and all i now aspire to be is rich. however, uni asked me if i wanted to do a masters...errr i think the answer is no. anyway i'm rambling i need to wash the smell of chips off me, speak soon my little glove trotting fluffins xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dad (Glyn)
Hi Kate and Melissa,
Just got back from the Queens' and one of the major topics of conversation between Uncle Brian and me was your blog. I was able to show them (anyone else that had lost interest in the tennis) your said blog on my much aligned Blackberry!!
Anyway, Uncle Brian has promised to leave a message - if he remembers, you can vouch for the state of Uncle Brian's memory!!
Melissa, Laura keeps carping on about how much she's missing you, however, my feeling is is that she's just missing someone she can have a good old row with ........ Your mum just cuts her off too soon!!
Keep chargin'
Lots of love,
Dad (Glyn).
Hi guys!
Hope you are both having a fantastic time, Jen just been telling me all the places that you have already been to!!! Pictures are looking good also and make sure you two don't come back too brown...and kate...make sure you don't burn!!!
Anyway will keep commenting you...have a fabulous time!
Much love xxx
Taylor =)
Hello and Guten Tag!
I think your in hamburg today (hence the greeting), home of the hamburger, from fine shopping and dining, cultural events and museums to sex shops, smoky bars and the clamour and smell of the Fish Market on Sunday mornings!! (hope you remember that tourist board hard sell Mel, otherwise i just seem a bit wierd!)
Pics are splendid, my favourite bein that monster on kates leg , where's an anti-venom kit when you need one.....
Look forward to more tales from afar when you find the internet again, and my postcard Melrose !