Hope everything is going great - you should be in Bruges by now.....
Melissa, Laura wants the world to know that she passed all her exams with flying colours, and get this, she scored a FIRST in her philosophy essay!! She walking round the house wanting to discuss with your Mum and me as to whether the Moon is still there if you look away!!
Bonjour - as Dell Boy used to say!!
See you later.
Love Dad. xxxx
Stef :)
as you can see possibly from my previous (THREE) comment, i am not fully technologicaly advanced yet, however i managed to read your blog and WOW if you watched that programme "married to the effiel tower" (i have probably spelt that wrong) then having your romantic meal up there means she will probably be very jealous, so watchyour backs for a crazy american lady ;)
this makes no sense. hope your having fun dearssssss :) BE CAREFUL!!
currently no gossip...as well...does anythin ever happen!?
au reviorrrr (AHA!)
hey mateys (or bonjour mes ami's) hope ur having a boss time, can't believe you in france and i'm in boring old southport everyday :-( neways enjoy paris!!! lv tashaxxx
ps. max died in hollyoaks :( i wont to adopt tom!
please come home i'm bored
Mum (Pauline)
Hi you two, glad to hear you got there safe and sound and without any mishaps. Hopefully you will be using your cotton anti-bacterial sheet and towel!!
Just back from Kath's she had a bag party, thought I had died and gone to heaven. Bought 1 or maybe 2! but told dad there was nothing I liked, so don't crack on!!!!
Have a great day, speak to you soon.
Love mum xxx (Pauline)
Hello you two! Good to hear your safe and sound! Eh, and all the way to the tower and back- not bad! Im surprised you havent already graced the disney shop , but i guess you'll make time....! Looking forward to some photies ladies- so i hope youve got more than just kate's camera ! Ive sent you each an email, hope you can get them being the collegio ones n all! Have fun, and watch out for street sellers selling TAT! Your pretty vulnerable in that department !
hello you crazy/happy campers! i hope you sure do enjoy yourself! your a bunch of crazy cats! keep up that french kate, ask for a pom lad!
Sue Jay
hello weary travellers just been reading some of ur messages and can't believe the amount u have so far. It's took me all nite to get near the computer and kate i bet ur impressed that i can actually use 1 (ha ha ) hope u both enjoy paris! and please keep safe!!! i can't wait to see the photos of ur journeys and i'm going to take a particular interest in ur clothes cos i can't wait 2 c wot way they turn out after u've stamped on them in the shower!!! enjoy enjoy and i'll be bac for part 2 soon luv auntie sue x x x x x x x x x don't forget the photos and lots of them x x x x
Tom An Co.
Hello time travellers (mums idea) (eyes roll) hope your having a great time and havent managed to insult the french too much with your rusty french. Do you have a costa coffee over there/primark (eyes roll again) do try and get out of France without any complications or complaints which is more than likely. Enjoy the rest of your stay love Tom, Anne, Alan and Jay=woo its james!!! bye xxx ps jay says "he hasnt thought of what to say yet watch this space!!
Dad (Neil)
Well its now 12.30pm on day one and so far 2 txts from Paris one to say they are on French soil and the last that they had actually found the hostel and are now off hitting the sites of Paris. I am very impressed I gave them a target of 8 hours to find the hostel. The question is can they find the way back to the hostel. We shall wait and see.
Love Dad
Sound like you're on your way then! Have a great time both of you... Kate, don't keep any pet pigeons or bring a donkey home, Mel, remember that solving that Rubik's Cube is less important than being on your train to Innsbruck!
Look after each other, remember stranger danger, and to stop, look AND listen. Good luck and all the best.
how great was my little french comment?!? lol (yes im bored!)
I hope u arrived safely, and are having fun!
speak 2 u soon, love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ps kate-max is still alive! its his wedding 2nite tho, so i think he dies 2nite! :( i will keep u informed!