Karen's Big Adventures
About Karen
Karen's Great European Adventure: This trip consists of an escorted tour with Pilgrim tours beginning in Vienna, Austria and ending in Frankfurt, Germany. This will include the Passion Play, which is performed only once every 10 years. At the end of that segment, half the group will head back to Fargo and the rest of us will continue on to Rome for 5 days, where we'll "do our own thing"! // I love my job!!!! Aloha from Hawaii :): This time I'm actually "working" while on this tri…
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Fargo, North Dakota

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London, UK
Today is our last day :( But, probably one of the more interesting days, too! Today we're off to Bath and Windsor. Compared to yesterday, we got to sleep in this morning.....the alarm d…

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Cardiff, UK
Today was pretty much a full travel day, so this is going to be short and sweet! After getting up before the chickens (5:00 am is too early for any human to be awake in my opinion!!), we had …

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Waterford, Ireland
It was a sad morning today when I realized it was our last day in Ireland. This country has become my favorite of the four we’ve visited so far. It’s absolutely beautiful here! …

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Dublin, Ireland
Today has been the best day so far on this tour! We started the day with a city tour with our local guide Phil. She was amazing.....so funny and she had a lot of great history and informatio…
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- North Dakota
- Austria
- Germany
- Italy
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- Hawaii
- North Dakota
- Italy
- Greece
- Italy
- North Dakota
- United Arab Emirates
- North Dakota
- Netherlands
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- Ireland
- UK
- North Dakota
Sherri Hall What a BEAUTIFUL trip!
re: Tulips, Windmills, Cheese and Wooden Shoes.....karenmorlock So far I haven't tried anything too awful!!! Fussy as i am, that's saying a lot ;)
re: Lazy day!Sherri Looks amazing. So Morracan food not a favorite meal but the dessert looks delish!
re: Lazy day!Sherri Glad your there safe, can't wait to see pics and hope the rest of group will not have anymore "flight adventures"!
re: I finally made it!!karenmorlock Yup.....tough job I have ;). Thanks Sherri!!
re: Here we go.....are you ready??Sherri Hall Safe Travels! Sounds rough, the whole relaxing by the pool! LOL
re: Here we go.....are you ready??Carrie Sandie bought a shirt from there..........
re: Aloha from Beautiful Oahu!CeCe Rohwedder Wish I was there! Thanks for sharing the world with us, Karen!
re: Ok, Augsburg is my favorite, or may Rothenburg....Art Morlock Thanks for the update on your adventures. Great job and good pictures.
re: Ok, Augsburg is my favorite, or may Rothenburg....Laura That looks familiar... did the find the McDonald's that charges for ketchup??
re: The hills are alive with the sound of music.....Sherry Christl Looks yummy!
re: We made it! Let the fun begin!