Happiness Is The Road
We had a lovely and peaceful night and when we woke up at 6am we were completely amazed to find that a caravan had set up right beside us in the middle of the night. It must have been like a stealth operation on their part as we hadn't heard a thing. What amazes me is why when there is so much free space on the camp site they rock up right next to us. I just don't understand it. I've noticed on this trip that sheep like to be with other sheep. Problem is we're not sheep and don't like being near sheep. 'Normal' people just make us feel nervous! People generally can't seem to stand being on their own and just crowd others. It makes no sense to us. We showered and had breakfast and when we were packing away Jay had an unfortunate incident. She trapped her left nipple in our foldaway table! This was painful stuff and no laughing matter although I was creased up laughing! We can only assume following this unfortunate incident that Jay misjudged the size of her tit because she has lost so much weight! There was no warning on the table of such events occurring. We'd hate to think of others going through the trauma Jay suffered and therefore we are thinking of setting up a foundation to warn others of the perils of foldaway tables. The thought of anything else getting trapped brings a tear to my eyes! The Burning Mountain Reserve wasn't far away from the camp site and we were there in about fifteen minutes. It was about two kilometres to the top. The Burning Mountain is a smouldering coal seam running under ground through the sand stone. It has been burning for around 6000 years and moves along at a rate of 1 metre a year. Early settlers first thought that it was a volcano. It was a good walk to the top and the scenery going up was beautiful. The view of the coal seam at the top though was a little bit of an anti climax. I had expected the ground to be smoking but it wasn't today. I could though see a heat haze coming from the ground. The sandstone was a glorious colour though and it was worth the walk up. After this we hit the road to get back to near the coast. It was nearly a three hour drive to Myall Lakes where we intended to stop tonight. On the way we stopped off at a place called Raymond Terrace to do some food shopping at Coles. We got to the Myall Lakes National Park at around four. There was a dirt road for the last few kilometres but it wasn't too bad. The camp area was right by a lake and there were kangaroos here which was a bonus. It's always wonderful to see the incredible roos. There were a couple of other tents here but we found a spot away and out of sight of the others. The lake was extremely beautiful and it was lovely here at first until the music started! Here we were in the middle of nowhere with kangaroos by a beautiful lake enjoying the sounds of nature when some inconsiderate f**cker starts playing music so loud we can hear it from quite a way off. This was no ordinary music though. We weren't sure if it was a recording or someone playing the guitar and singing badly. It sounded like some religious happy clappy stuff. Why do people have to be so inconsiderate and subject their **** upon others!!?? We had to put our own music on to drown their stuff out. Strangely the kangaroos all hopped down to the f**ckers playing the music seemingly entranced by it. I hope they were okay as we didn't see them again. To make matters worse the mosquitos here were viscious. Between us we counted about 40 bites before bed! Please don't get me wrong we love Australia and are really really enjoying our travels. We just wish that people would be more considerate of others. With a few exceptions most people don't think of nobody but themselves. The state of the world we live in!
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