Today thank the lord is my last day in Bangkok and I am very excited about that. It is also Australia Day and so back at home all of my friends and family are celebrating the foundation of Australia. This once again makes me feel a little homesick and wishing I was back at home, down at Cheynes on the beach with my family.
This morning I was treated to a full American style breakfast of fried eggs, ham, tomato, toast and orange juice and amazing it was, it has been nearlly 2 weeks since I have eaten meat as after my food poisoning my stomach has had a lot of trouble digesting and so I have kept the diet quiet simple.
At about 12pm I left for the train station giving myself a good 3 hours before my departure time (recently I have come close a few times to missing buses and trains).
Tonight's train is supposed to take 16 hours to reach Hat Yai (southern tip of Thailand) but knowing the Thai train system that is more likely to be 18 or 20 hours so I am in for another long night!
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