Today I was up early trying a very typical Taiwanese breakfast of soaked beans and sultanas. I headed to school and my first two classes were brilliant, students seemed to understand me, I got to tell stories of my travels and wow them with facts and info. My second class had brought in two dishes they wanted me to try, the first they had me try without telling me what it was? Wow delicious!! That's monkey one kid said, shocked I almost fell over - I am not supposed to tell anyone as its illegal to kill monkeys in Taiwan but hey how cool another weird food I have eaten. The second dish was boiled pig knuckle - full of fat but hey I had 40 kids watching me so I ate and smiled - the meat part was great, the fat not so great. I had promised the Highschool students that I would have lunch with them so at 12 they came and guided me up to their classroom. What followed will live on in my memory for ever, being the most touching and memorable teaching experience of my life. Arriving to the class I realized we weren't just having the school lunch but a full on party the kids had organized to thank me for coming to their village. Each student had put in money and had family members prepare famous dishes from the region: we ate pork blood cake, fish balls, egg cake, monkey soup, Chinese sausages, spinach and pork wontongs, pickled Veges, sweet tofu, fried gluten, boiled bamboo, aboriginal roots, pork knuckles in sweet sauce and then the snacks - black jelly, tofu pudding, Chinese delicacies, rice cakes, chips, biscuits, fairy floss, noodles. We ate and ate laughed and enjoyed the party, next came the presents, I know you may ask what for? I don't know exactly I think they really just like to give unlike western society who is more inclined to get good feelings from taking - they gave me cards, flowers, chocolates, cuddly toys, precious rocks and a very special gift made by one of the students grandmothers for me - traditional Truku tribe head dress and wallet. Wow at this point I am in shock, awe many different feelings. Performances of singing, dancing, acting playing of instruments and Ofcourse the kids had to get me up to play a song on the guitar and show them some of my bad dance moves. Damon the students teacher is one of the best teachers I have ever met, giving the students respect and working with them at their level - the students learn because there are no behavior issues. When I get my own class I will take a lot of what I learned here today into the class. In the end I had to say goodbye, each kid gave me a hug and said Thankyou - I made a promise to take a photo and write a nice email from some of the next countries I visit. In the evening we had lots of food to eat: left-over from party and food gifts - so we gave some out to the locals and enjoyed the evening.
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