Dive Course Day 2! I woke up very early this morning and got organized for our second full day of class. At 9:30 we headed up to the classroom and had a review of lastnights homework and then given a few more videos to watch and some booklets to full out. I was starting to feel more confident until we got to nitrogen levels in blood which involved lots of mathematical equations. Around 1pm we were all done and I went down to Parrots dock in the hope to find some goggles that wouldn't leak - I ran into Danny and he very kindly allowed me to borrow his dive goggles that worked a treat. I then headed back for a quick lunch and used the rest of the day to read the Open Water Dive book front to back in order to get myself acquainted with all the information and not just snippets. It worked and I am now feeling confident and ready for my first Open Water Dive. After a nice dinner I researched a little about Guatemala and where I might go to next. At this stage we have paid for our apartment up until Sunday so I will stay until then and then take the ferry back to the mainland and possibly head to Copan (the ruins).
- First study day in years: hard getting back into it but rewarding at same time
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