Fortaleza!! After quite a good sleep in the hammock; I woke up early and did some exercises and made breakfast. Sara had to do some marking (she is an Art Teacher) so I decided to go for a walk into the city centre. As it is Sunday absolutely everything on the walk into the city was closed and the streets were completely empty - quiet eary. However when I arrived in the city centre there was some movement and there were quite a few people around the church and the Mercado Central - a huge 5 story building selling all kinds of souvenirs, handicrafts and confectionary. I Ofcourse headed straight into the market and was shocked to see half the shops closed. I wondered around trying various nuts and fruits; I tried a very delicious dried caju fruit and some interesting cane sugar bars. I wanted to buy some of the sweets but figured this building is quiet touristy and so most likely overpriced. I wondered around the centre some more visiting lots of budget clothing and good shops before making my way back to Sara's. When Sara finished her work we went for a walk to one of her favorite bars that plays Samba music on Sunday afternoons. The bar was just a shop down a very dodgey street and the chairs and tables were spread out onto the street; the vibe was really nice though and there were loads of people drinking and enjoying the music. After a few hours Sara got a call from her new surfers that were arriving tonight so we made our way back to the apartment to meet them. The new surfers were a really nice couple from the USA but the guy was Brazilian; we all chatted before they all decided to go out to a resteraunt for dinner. I decided to skip on the resteraunt as I could only imagine how expensive it would be and instead settle with some homemade guacamole and soy mince curry. Unfortunately at Sara's there was no where really to sit or relax so I found myself setting the hammock up and going to sleep. The other surfers and Sara arrived back quite lately but I wanted to chat with the surfers so we sat around chatting for a whole before going to bed for the second time.
- Mercado Central - interesting goods - overpriced
- Samba Bar with Sara - very rough but great vibe
- New Surfers from USA
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