Our flight for Alice Springs left Perth at 12:15 today. It was cloudy as we left so that spoiled the view to start off with but after a while the sky cleared. For a while I could see straight, unsealed dirt roads that often appeared to go nowhere but no habitation at all. Just a vast empty space of red earth and dried up salt lakes. As we flew further towards the centre the 'roads' disappeared and there was nothing until we approached Alice and there were ridges of rocks every now and again . As we got off the plane the heat hit us and it was 38C! It was a short shuttle bus ride to the hotel.
We decided to look around the town. I thought it was a bit of a dump and nothing endearing about it. There are a lot of indigenous people around and we have a family in the room next to us.
Tomorrow morning we pick up the camper van and set off on the long drive to Uluru.
- comments
Jenny & Kim What a mixed bag. Fantastic pics from the plane but scary that it is all so barren and empty. The town looks very old and in need of TLC. I am sure that your next few days will be really exciting and full of many new experiences. Have fun.
Carol Barnes You sound a bit disapointed I am sure the experience will get better