My rude arrival in this city started, from sleep coma 0 to 60 in 1.2 seconds at 5am. Thrown out of the bus as the sole departee, my bag dumped somewhere behind me, I was swarmed by a mob of baying taxi drivers I attemped to negotiate while struggling to make my eyes open properly. The sun was just rising as we sped into the city centre, me perched precariously on the back of a moped. Two hours and countless hostels later, I found one with a room. It had been a very long day, especially as the journey had started 16 hours earlier in a bus with a toilet sauna experience a special extra. I took a tuktuk to the palace on a man powered bike with a carriage, for 10p. I haggled hard and then felt a little guilty, but he seemed pleased. The water palace was a little surprising, as it had no water in it, but the streets were lined with a bright array of stalls selling knick knacks and clothes, but these seemed to be made to fit tiny people as I woefully found out after then bargainous trousers I'd bought split as soon as I put them on! Took a trip out to Borobador, its an incredible temple, like a wedding cake with tiers of buddha statues, with great views from the top and amazingly intricatly carved walls all the way up.
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