New Zealand just keeps getting better and better for me and I think I've fallen in love with Queenstown.
Went out around 10.30 for my shotover jet - it was really fun and exhilarating but seems dull in comparison to my canyon swing. Sorry to sound like such a traveller but it was totally awesome!
I thought I was going to throw up but took the plunge and decided I was there, I'd paid the money for it and I was damn well going to throw myself off that mountain. The guys that fit your harness totally mess with your head and don't make it any easier for you but it just adds to the thrill.
I looked down (109 metres) into the river below and just jumped! Screamed all the way down but it was the best thing I have ever done. So much so I did another one - they had a special offer of $5 for a 2nd jumo - at that price who could say no! This time I went down backwards - Yes, backwards! It was so scary and I couldn't bring myself to let go of the guy. In the end I did have to be pushed! Was a total tourist and purchased the photos and dvd! Look forward to showing you that mum!!
After that, the group I was in got a lift back into town. I needed a beer after that so Becki (Norwegian girl) and 2 Irish guys (Robin and one guy called Foccacia or something!) went for the yummiest burgers ever. Even took a pic of it (am a total happy snapper!)
Becki and I went up into the moutains for a few goes on The Luge. It's like a go-cart - really good fun.
Back at the hostel now. Just about to get ready to go into town for a few beers. Apparently, I get a free beer in a bar if I show my room key - nice one!Â
Back on the bus tomorrow at 7am for the trip to Lake Tekapo. Will chat then.
Loads of love,
Julie xx
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