Been a quiet week so not much to report i'm afraid! Theres only 2 of us left now and that will stay the same until i leave on July 19th. School breaks up in 4 days and so then its less structured in a way - hence why he didn't want too many volunteers. In a way its nice having only 2 people as kevin can take us places that he couldnt if there were loads of us.
This week i've been once again at the primary school in my new class - grade 2C - which has been interesting. The teacher prefers doing one-to-one with the kids so calls them up to her desk and i'm left with the rest of the 49 to try and keep them quiet. Not an easy task as their pretty crazy! But then if the Xhosa lady is around they turn into little angels and are deadly silent, purely because they respect her for speaking their language. It was mainly helping them with their tests for the first 3 days and towards the end of the week its tailed off as any school does approaching half term. This has meant theres less to do for me in the class so i mainly walk around saying 'tula/tulani' (be quiet you/all of you) and rubbing things out or sharpening pencils. One day i did take a group of them aside and go through some sums with them and by the end they actually grasped the concept of 79 = 70 + ? or 88 = 80 + ? so i felt happy that i'd taught them something. Next week i expect it to be very relaxed so we're planning to take them out 2/3 at a time to the library so we can work on something else with them.
Wednesday night was Carols last night and Thursday was Davids so we headed out for a joint meal on the wednesday. We went to an amazing african restaurant called the africa cafe which if you ever come to cape town you HAVE to visit. Theres no menu, you just get 15 or so different dishes put on your table and whichever you like they bring more of. It means you try stuff you usually wouldnt and its all traditional stuff. Oh and it tastes great. There was also a bit of live drumming and singing halfway through the meal which was amazing. The only downside was that we all ate so much we were too stuffed to have a late night out so after a few drinks in a quiet bar we were in bed by 12! Thursday night we had a few beers but nothing too hardcore as i'm trying to have a few quiet days before it all kicks off over here on thursday.
This weekend has been low key too, just enjoyed the sunshine yesterday and had a walk around the fanfest and stadium areas today to see whats what. On thursday this week is when everything starts with a huge parade and party on long street which i will definitely be attending with my st georges flag and vuvuzhela in tow.... Then from friday its a full on 2 weeks on football with 3 matches a day! Its really building over here now and i cant wait for it to start :)
- comments
Christabel Williams Hey teaching-pickle, it would appear that you are teaching those children some valuable skills even if they are a bit rowdy,you are still being a responsible adult! But that restaurant sounds extraordinary.. too much food, and drumming.. I need one in my life! I know you are going to love the World Cup, who do you think is the favourite to win? See you soon rooney-pickle! Lots of love, Cboo xxxxxx
Nikki TAKE ME TO THIS RESTAURANT. oh and all the other bars too. :) tula tulani! ahahah i can see it now, maybe try a immy hedgeland and shout f*** offfffffffffffffff and they will run away in terror then later respect you? all else fails, you know what to do. the Hokey Cokey. xxxxxxxxx
Emily Magee I wonder if you've been missing me and GLEE!!! is it on in South Africa :S ?? anyways it's sort of depressing because you aren't here to watch it with me and charlie and also... Glee's season finale today. EVEN MORE DEPRESSING!!!! Emily xx :)