Had a good weekend, not even spoiled by the rain! Thursday night we went out for James last night - first up was our somewhat regular haunt the Dubliner. Theres always live music playing (they have a special liking of buble so if i'm lucky i hear 1 or 2 of his songs!) and its popular with locals and tourists so the atmosphere is amaing. Stayed there for quite a while as they were playing some classic songs - think Mustang Sally, Dont Stop Believing, Sweet Caroline, Come on Eileen etc - and the cricket was on so we could dance and watch that, result. Once the band left we went to a club opposite called Fiction which was completely different in the way that it was pure dance music but still good. After an interesting taxi ride home (pretty sure the doors are supposed to stay closed when you drive round corners...) we had a few hours sleep before work the next day. Luckily Kevin was picking up one of the new guys from the airport so we got an extra hour in bed. It was business as usual at the high school with the exception of the afternoon, were instead of being on the field doing sport we had to help them finish a project entitled 'invent your own sport'. Seriously hard work. Not only to motivate them but some of the things they invented were either a) already sports with no changes to them so just football/soccer or b) so weird that it cannot constitute a sport - an example of this being a game called 'where would you kiss your baby'...honestly you dont wanna know! The kids also think its hilarious to lock each other in lockers and then barricade them in with desks, so a large majority of time was spent getting people out of lockers. Sounds bad but i'm pretty sure i remember people doing the same thing when we had Ms Royall as a form tutor!!!!
Friday night was spent getting to know the 3 new people who arrived that day - Paul, Carol and David. We had snacks and drinks and just sat around chatting until the early morning. They all seem really nice and fit in well with everyone. Paul mentioned it was his bday the next day so Vicky and I took it upon ourselves to organise a present (bafana bafana shirt obviously) and card. Even passed off some shop bought muffins as our own and Vicky made coq au vin as a birthday meal. Not bad considering we met him about 24hours ago!! To celebrate we again went out to the Dubliner and had many a bday drink for him. Hence why today has been a chilled out sunday! Its rained all day so we just stayed inside and chatted about things we want to do on future weekends, and then went to a pub to watch Chelsea win the league. Tonight we're heading out to Mama Africa which is a traditional african restaurant - i've already eyed up crocodile kebabs on the menu...
This week we've got a couple of football matches coming up, and hopefully a netball match so i can see if my 'coaching' as paid off.
If anyone wants to have an actual chat on skype then i'm very up for that and can do any night from about 8pm england time, gimme a text/facebook and we can sort it out :)
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