Its been a very busy week again! Friday night we went to see a rugby match (Stormers vs. Crusaders in a super 14 match for those who are interested..) and then went out to a bar to celebrate a comprehensive victory for the Stormers. Didn't get in til 3am so needless to say saturday was a quiet day just spent in town around the craft market and then lazing in the sun in Company Gardens. Sunday was another boiling hot day so i went to the beach at Camps Bay - took a minibus taxi to get there and was surprised to get out alive as the driver was overtaking on blind bends and just pulling out whevenver he felt like it...what do you expect for R6 though?! The boys came and met me in the afternoon and i was forced to go into the sea - never again as it was ABSOLUTELY freezing and this isnt even an understatement. Gutted i didnt get photographic evidence of me 'swimming' (i use this term lightly) as its never happening again, least not at that beach. Good job we did go to the beach on that day as ever since this week its been raining...welcome to winter in south africa! I've been at the high school this week with James which has been fun, some of the kids we work with are getting to know me now and they're all really nice. The best thing the other day was being asked to give some spelling help to a kid called Bubbles - don't know what i was expecting but when a 6ft3 fat black guy walked in it wasn't that! Some of the names they call their kids over here are brilliant. I've met a Happy, Music, Gift, Tuba, Magic and of course Bubbles so far...a fine list of baby names if ever i've seen one.
Obviously the bad weather has meant we've been doing slightly less sport but we are still perserving with both netball at the primary school and football after school for the girls. On tuesday i had to be run the line for an U11 football match in the pouring rain - not the best thing i've ever done but our team won 8-3 so its not all bad. Going to these matches is strange as we often play private schools so all the kids are white, in perfect matching kit and really expensive boots. Then our boys turn up in their various assorted kit, most of them without any football boots and one even without any shorts. Yet they are brilliant and even though some of them are 9/10 their skill level is amazing! Not sure our netball team will do so well when we play our first match - hopefully next week weather dependent - as most of them can't even understand what i'm saying let alone figure out where to stand or what footwork is! Luckily there is one girl who a) can play and understand the rules of netball, b) understand english and c) explain to the other girls in Xhosa so we might finally be getting somewhere.
As for now we are going out tonight as its James' last night before he goes back to London, and 3 new people arrive tomorrow. I'm still struggling to upload any pictures but i'll keep trying.
Finally for those who don't have facebook/haven't been already informed my south african number should you want to contact me is: 0027762783256
- comments
Julia Sorry i could only post one picture, its ridiculously slow! Next time i'm on i will upload lots more - gotta dash for dinner now
Christabel Whole lotta love for this Ju! It sounds like you are having an amazing time, despite the silly rain, and the freezing sea, but the children sound cute and cuddly, and they seem to be really taking to you! I really want them to beat those white-ass private schools, so that they can get a sponsor, and perhaps a nice new kit! This blog is brill Ju, I am happy you're loving it! Love to you Pickle! CBOO xxxxxxxx
Nikki TUBA!! amazing! and Bubbles just had to be a massive black dude. had to be! SO jealous of you hoolia, sounds like an absolute rave. cant wait for the next update! x x x