Night day
So today I walked only 17 or 18 k. Smashed the front of my I phone on a rock. Dam front and back. It's still working but very sorry for its self. My leg is really painful and now my ankle is swollen on the other leg. I'm in najera which is pretty bit of an industrial area to walk into but now here it's ok the hostel is on the river and I got a room with 3 others all a bit older so sleep should be ok. That's if none of them snore. €15 but very nice will take pictures later. May hobble around the town in a bit if the 600 milligram ibruprophen kick in. The walk was through the vin yards again. Fantastic and I would have enjoyed had it not been for my legs. Hope your all ok. It appears this town is full and people have to walk another 7 k to the next village or stop in the 92 bed albergue. Sod that . Taxi. I will stay 1 more day here if I feel bad tomorrow I think I will do further damage if not. St Christopher needs to do a miracle on thes legs.
- comments
Danny I think Eddie Izzard dunked himself in ice water every evening to prevent those problems with swelling and such. Though he DID also have a medical team on the ready to deal with the resulting heart attack that can cause xD
Steve and Sarah Really hope your injuries mend quickly. You're doing so well. Another nice pic. Goodnight. X
Beckie Oh mum sounds like your in the wars from that last post bless you! Hope your feeling a bit better today x x x