Eighth day
Today was a disaster. I left my rucksack in viana and walked to logroño only to find out on the way the baggage transport had been and gone before I left my bag. I didn't want to stay in the city which on reflection was stupid as I had meet to great girls but I decided I wanted to go to the next village. I had to take a taxi back to viana by the time I had done all this it was getting to late to walk the next 12k so I got the taxi to navarrette and am now sitting having a bit of lunch in the burning sun on my own. Nice to have the peace of the village and once I have finished my glass of Rioja which is very nice I will explore. Feels funny not having any familiar faces around but maybe later some people will arrive who I know. Expensive day for me. 40€ cab 20€ for a iPhone charger and 15 € for a knee brace. Hell could be worse could be sat at my desk. I'm still very happy just wondering what today or tomorrow brings.
- comments
Steve Kind of an enforced rest day then. Maybe you need a rest for you knee. Sounds a whole lot better than here at work. Nice that real gold?
Sarah aw what a pain Juile! I guess you are learning on the job....This is a stunning photo! Hope you are chilling with some friends, if they have arrived now..Rest that knee! :) xxx
Beckie Wow go and scrape the walls in that place with your multi purpose tool and you'll never have to go back to work ha ha Looks amazing x x x Miss you x
Sharon Hey Jules sounds amazing apart from the body injuries!! Look after that knee you've only got one more! You've managed to make us all laugh anyway. We are all jealous too thinking of you sunning yourself, drinking vino while we are slaving away over a hot computer! Miss you tons mate take care:-)xxxxxxxx
Peter Jules, Just got your blog details WOW its clear that your journey is a step in a wonderful direction very envious and proud and already wondering about the changes within, best wishes Peter
Caroline Hey Julie, Just caught up with your blog. Sounds like you're having a brilliant time, despite the odd problem! We're all very envious here and missing you loads too. It's not the same without you. Take care. xx