Omg Julie I've only just seem this the blog wouldn't open! That's crappy but you did your best and got to see what it's like I think a number of peeps can't go all the way we are just not designed to walk that far - if we were god would have given us humps & hoofs. Hope ur still enjoying time away tho thank goodness for Linda (and medicinal vino). Weather looks nice get some sun on your bones love u lots xxxx
Thanks vera. Bit rough with legs at present. Will see how it goes. X
Hi Julie
Keep it up love u seem to be doing ok can't wait to see the pics & hear all about it enjoying reading your blog lol xxxx
Hi Jules sounds like u need a little break so Linda coming is going to do u good say hello to her for me. Jess going Monday so I will see her at the weekend before she goes make sure she's got everything. Try FaceTime over weekend if u get chance Hun love lots xxx
Omg didnt u pack a mini lightweight brolly our Julie - bet that rain made u feel at home we are now enduring the earliest winter ever I bet your rain is luke warm at least! Hope the ankle fixes up quick u should have taken melias electric scooter! You'd probably been scooter jacked though. Ear did u pack some proper t bags? sounds like your enjoying rain and hobble any road - love & miss lots xxxxx
Wow the pics are stunning, well done Julie x x x
Ok people on my way to najera today if I can get face time later will call you Lynn did it with beck yesterday. Having a great time it's quite hot and only early. Leg playing up but will be there early today only 10 k left today.
Lynn Roberts
Hey sis sounds like a bit of day but everything happens for a reason, maybe u just needed a rest. Back on the road tomorrow what is that hold palace the hostel? How skinny are u have lost weight? Can u reply to these please xxx
Hey sis looks like your going good that back pack will get lighter every day (less shampoo to carry). Missing u loads Curt said he spoke to you and u sounded good. Same ole here pissing it down today everyone ok. How's the not smoking going? Nice pics, take more (of your dinner companions) ! Love you lots xxxxxx
Hey mum how you getting on? Me and Mia missing you loads x x x
Em and Jess came for dinner yesterday was nice they were here for ages Mia loved it x x
Looking forward to reading the next update x x
Collette And Mark
Hey julie, hope your having a brilliant time x we r just gonna board plane for california dont know if iv done this right will check it when arrive in america take care x x x