Hello all, sorry its been a while since my last blog but firstly i must say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GRANDMA. Hope you have had a lovely day Grandma. I send you lots of love.
In my last blog we were in Sydney of which i said we were leaving on the Saturday, we actually stayed untill the Tuesday with our very genius and lovely friends Micthey, Lorraine and Grant. During this time we watched the new MJ movie which was epic! Mooched around Luna Park, walked over the great Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera house. Headed to Torrango Zoo for a play with the chimps!! And endured our first ozzey bbq, which was gorgeous. We also did a spot of sunbathing on Manly beach which unfortunatley we are still paying for as we got burnt!! Not good.
After Sydney we headed to Spot X which is surf camp. Here we had our first surf lesson. Lisa was a natural and managed to get up on the board many a time whereas i was less fortunate and a majority of the time fell off!! I did manage to stand on it for about 3 seconds on a couple of occassions though, but hopefully we will keep it up and ill get some practise in in order to become the pro surfer i no im destine to be!!! Have to wait and see!!! ha!!
We then headed to Byron Bay, we stayed here 3 nights. On our fist night we went to Cheeky Monkeys for a $5 meal which was massive, free beer jugs and a boogie on the tables! That evening / early moring we headed down to the beach to watch some guys practise there poy skills and devil stick (since doing so we have now purchased our own poy balls to practise with on the beaches) Poy are two balls on string basically of which you swing and do funky little tricks with. So i will keep you posted on how our training is going. We had a day in Byron when the heavens opened and there was a thunderstorm! Madness! Once it cleared we had a walk along the lovely beach to the lighthouse and watched the surfers catch some fenominal waves.
After Byron we headed to Surfers Paradise for 2 nights. This is the beginning of the Gold Coast so we spent most of our time on the beach. In the evening we passed a funky band playing in a courtyard so hung around there which was so lovely. Surfers Paradise is really commercialised so really the only thing good there was the beach. Majority of the time we were there it was very overcase so it was warm but the sun wasnt really out that often, but we still had a nice time sunbathing on the beach.
Were now in Brisbane of which we head to Mooloolaba tomorrow (wed 11th). Theres not really that much to report in Brisbane as its just a city with very similar things we have already seen ie. botanical gardens. Brisbane doesnt have a beach only a man made lagoon which we had a mooch at today. We have booked our Fraser Island trip and Whitsundays package. As no one lives on Fraser Island the only way to see it is through 4x4 safari and camp over. So for 2 nights and 3 days we will be embracing our animal insticts and going rambo styley! I know your all probably now thinking 'corey blimey that trip really has changed Luce!' As if you now me im a bit of hotel and luxury gal! But i can happily say i am truely embracing the travellor lifestyle, so be warned!! (Didnt wash my towel for 4 weeks!!) BEAUTIFUL! ha! As for Whitsundays you have to see all the islands on a boat. So we are sailing around for 2 days and 2 nights, snorkelling, sunbathing on deck and sleeping on deck under the stars. Unfortunatley i do get to snuggle up to Lisa so its not as romantic and it should sound now!! Lucky Lisa!!!! ha!
For now thats about it so im signing off. Hope everyone is well and ill get some more pictures up loaded soon. Take care and love to all xX
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